Game of Thrones

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Renesmee stared at me followed by the rest of the group as if I had said something out if this world. I didn't talk to them in some algebraic formula that their thick skulls demanded a long ass of explanation.
"Look, if he's doing this tonight then it's our responsibility to stop him before he could bring destruction to both covenant and humans."
"Jared, you're stepping in death's mouth..." I abruptly cut in Renesmee, "That's what meant coming of the royal blood."
I freed my wrist from Renesmee's grip and asked Annabeth to lead us to Leonardo's lair beneath his estate.
"I'm going myself then, and if anyone of you agrees with me he's free to come with me." I finally gave my verdict, with or without them, I had made up my mind to enter this end game.They all shook their head at me and fell in steps behind us.

"I've sent a message to your father to be prepared for anything".Annabeth told us and I nodded glancing sideways at Renesmee who didn't like this idea of me going to Leonardo's den but I had to do this myself and end his game. No more hiding or running from him.Annabeth pressed down a lever to open a passage in the wall.
"It's dark in there!" Kevan yelped leering down the steps that were only our sole way of escape. Alec groaned at him and whacked his head chiding him, "Kevan, fit torch light in your eyes like headlights."

"Shouldn't I put headlights on my..."

 Before he could finish his fantastic sentence, Gina gave them a push sending both downstairs into the pitch darkness, singing  'Jack and Jill' school rhyme, and our ears soon met with a dramatic womanish scream, that was, without doubt belonged to our Knight Kevan. Annabeth and Zach took the lantern off the walls and descended down the steps lighting the way for rest of us to walk.

"What if there are mummies?" Kevan's teeth chattered and Alec pushed the boy up on his back in piggyback ride, as if they were playing Edward and Bella from twilight, though I bet Kristen Stewart would kill herself after seeing her muscular version.
"There are no mummies and Daddies here!" Anita whined at the stupidity of her brother. The poor girl so many time asked the hospital if they had given them correct piece of their own kind and with disappointment, she always came back home after being told that he's the original piece and they hadn't misplaced the boy. I caught glimpse of Renesmee's solemn face from the corner of my eye and I tried to reach for her hand, holding it which she quickly pulled away as if burnt and increased her pace to walk with Gina.


Somewhere in the parallel universe, or not so parallel but rather we can assume readers in the background, we can see an old lady in cloak walking on a bridge towards the guards. She was supporting her weight on a staff carrying a basket of red apples. The guards stepped forward crossing her entrance to the gate that they had been guarding.
"What are you doing here, lady? A guard asked the old woman who put her hand on her waist and coughed.
"Child, I sell apples to earn for my stomach. These are the sweeter than honey and tastier than anything", she picked up a red apple, rubbing it with cuff of her sleeve after spitting on it, and raised it to them, "Would you like to have a bite?" The guards exchanged a brief glance towards each other eyeing the old hag with suspicious eyes.
"I don't cost them unless you want another for taste". She wiggled her eyebrows and held apple to their nose giving them its sweet scent, tempting them to have its bite. The guards couldn't hold back themselves from its scent and  took the apples from the basket, having a good bite of them. One of the guard froze, holding his throat and dropping the apple that rolled to the woman's foot half eaten. The guards, choked cursing the old lady as they fell on the ground unconscious. The old lady chuckled, black smoke swirled around her as Karl transformed back into his shape.
"Here I thought Disney's villain can't be of any use."
"Karl!" Karl looked back at the enraged and aggravated 'Evil Queen', whose apples he had stolen by sneaking into her cottage when she's busy making magic portion.
"I'm not here!" He shouted back, breaking the entrance gate and ran inside the castle without wasting any minute.

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