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"Just one more this way, Love."

"Let me go."

"You're lucky I un-gagged your mouth so you could talk you unappreciative little...." Jacks voice trailed on as he began cursing at Judy under his breath in a murmur until she looked in his direction.

By this point, they had taken pictures.

Judy was now wide awake and fully conscious, and not having any of this.

"Now look at me, Love." Jack aimed the camera towards her face.

Judy did turn her head to Jack, but she bent her head down.
So her face wasn't visible.
The bunny allowed her ears to flop down over her face.

"I said, look at me." Jack demanded.

Judy shook her head.
Simple, yet a very big mistake.

Jack put his camera down and went over to Judy. He then grabbed her tightly by her ears, and as he lifted his hand, and her ears were brought up, her drained eyes were exposed.
For a bunny, ears were the most sensitive part of their body.
As they has evolved, the ears still remained a touchy subject - some bunnies even covered theirs.

Jack held the cop up by her ears for a handful of seconds before releasing his hand, and Judy's head bobbled back down into place.
When her head was straight, Judy huffed, and kept her gaze towards the camera.

"Good girl." Jack snickered as he went back over to his camera.

Judy continued to resist taking the photos as time continued to pass, but he forced, nonetheless.

"I have an idea." Judy suddenly spoke up.

"And what is that?" Jack asked as he sat at his computer, attaching his camera to the computer through a cable wrapped around the legs of his chair.

"How about this crazy little idea," there she was, "Why don't you come sit in the chair....and I take photos of you before kicking your ass!—how's that sound?"

"You know, Judith," Jack chuckled, "You have a very big mouth for being tied down. It surprises me. Maybe that's what attracts me too you. When angry, you can almost be taken seriously." Jack smirked.

Then, almost simultaneously, both bunnies ears perked up at a sudden sound. They both turned to Judy's phone, which was laying across the room on the floor - where Jack had thrown it previously.

Jacks smirk widened as he got up from his computer, and walked over to the phone before bending down, and picking it up.
His smirk widened even more at the sight of who exactly was calling her.

It was Nick, of course.

"Well, this won't do us any good, will it?" Jack sneered.
The bunny then turned on his heel, entered the bathroom, left the door cracked a bit so Judy could see just enough of what he was doing, and didn't even hesitate to drop the phone down into the toilet, and flush it away.

When he exited the bathroom, he could feel the pressing anger from just Judy's facial expressions alone.

"Can you untie me?" Judy asked sternly.

"I simply cannot do such a thing at the time being, Hopps."

"Please......?" Judy pleaded, something she rarely did.

Jack shook his head in a simple no.

"Just let me go! I won't let anybody!" Judy tried once again to lie, and struggled to stand up out of the chair.
But standing was difficult when she was tied down by her wrists, ankles, and waist.

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