That's Not Mine (Part 1)

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I locked the house door and walked down our driveway. Just as I arrived to the mail box, the neighborhood dog came to greet me. Toto was a small Yorkie who thought he was a guard dog.

"Hi Toto." I smiled and patted his head.

He barked and rolled over on his back.

"I don't have any treats today." He pouted and whined. I walked back in the house to get him some left over toast that Xavier didn't eat. He took it happily and left my lawn. I locked the door once more and headed towards Xavier's Mercedes. I didn't like it much. It was a sliver coupe. It drove well, and was quite comfortable, I just wasn't a fan of its color. I always liked the color red.

I sat down on his black seats. The leather burned my thighs slightly. I chose to wear a skirt suit that day. I looked around his car. Surprisingly, it looked clean. Xavier tended to have ties and half eaten food from lunch abroad his car. I shifted into neutral and let his car ease out of the driveway. I hated driving manual cars. Despite our "get together" that morning, I was early for work. That meant I could get Starbucks. I enjoyed a Chai Latte before work, and my students knew that as well. I drove into town and went through the drive through. She handed me my cup and I sat it in the cup holder. I paid the cashier and pulled out of the drive way. I was on the way to the university when a car pulled out in front of me. I slammed on the breaks as my Chai Latte flew into the dash bored and spilled into the carpet.

I quickly got out of the car. "What were you thinking!" .

A young teenager got out of the car."I.. I'm sorry mam. I just.. I didn't see you there." He stuttered out.

I was just glad I didn't splash any on my Armani suit. I got back in the car and looked at the whip cream all over Xavier's car. He was going to kill me. I pulled off the road to the nearest service station and grabbed some napkins from the dispenser.

"Do you need some help miss?" The gas attendant asked me.

I walked around to the passenger side and squatted to clean the mess I had made.

"No thanks." I said with a smile. The car's open door alarm began to go off.

He continued to stand and watch me.

"That'll be all." I looked over my shoulder to see the pervert watching me.

I took the napkin and vigorously scrubbed the black carpet. Even if I could get all the white cream off of the floor, it still would be sticky. I managed to get the majority of it up from the carpet. I stood up and wiped the sweat from my head when I noticed some of the latte was between the seats. I squatted once more and stuffed my hand between the seats. I knelled on the concrete and looked under the seat to find that some of drink remained there hidden from my view. I shoved my arm under the seat frustrated. I would be late for work. I looked under the seat once more to see if I had cleaned it all when I noticed a blonde hair. I picked the hair up with the piece of tissue. My hair was black, and had never been dyed.

"Where did this come from?" I asked myself silently.

I wasn't one of those crazy wives that jumped to conclusions. It had to be a reason it was here. I held the strand of hair up to the sun.

"Never mind it now. " I said as I reached into my purse to find a gum rapper. I laid the hair in it and started the car. I was twenty minutes late for class.

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