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"Aaah,  Mrs. Anderson."


"Mrs. Anderson?"

"Excuse me,  yes? " I said to my student.

"You didn't finish your statement."

"My statement?"

"About neurons.. " he said to me.

"Oh yes!  The neurons." I exclaimed. "There are three types."

The students began to write notes again.

"The three types are motor,  sensory,  and interneurons." I paused again.

I couldn't help but wonder who's hair was in Xavier's car.  It could have been anyone's hair, but how it got there was the question. 

"Blonde." I said aloud to my audience. The students looked at me with confusion. There was silence in the room for a second until a student raised their hand.

"Blonde.. Mrs. Anderson?"

"Ma'am?" I asked her?

"You said motor, interneuron, sensory, and blonde." She said perplexed.

"I am so sorry." I looked at the power point. "Blonde is not a neuron of course !" 

The class laughed, but I didn't. I found the strength to show my teeth anyway.

I shut my book and falsely smiled. "Did everyone complete their notes?" I cusped my hands together.

"They were pretty short!" A male voice said. The classed erupted in laughter once more. 

I used the remote to turn off the power point, "That'll be all today, and I will see each and everyone of you on Monday."

The students quickly got up and left excited. 

The shuffling sound of paper and chairs being moved echoed in the small auditorium. I closed the power point and shut down my laptop. I tucked my hair behind my ear and began to stuff my paper work into my briefcase. Although, I didn't finish packing. I sat down and shut my eyes. I just needed to tune the noise out. I just wanted to push the bad thoughts out of my mind.

"Deep breaths." I said quietly to myself. I opened my eyes and began to stuff the papers once more into my case when I noticed one of my students was at my desk. 

"How are you Miss Anderson?"

"Tamar. " I acknowledged him. 

"You ended class pretty early. Is everything okay?"

Tamar was a student athlete. He wasn't the lazy kind shockingly. He actually worked for his grades. Tamar didn't mind extra work on the weekends, and his assignments were done even on game night.

"It's Mrs." 

"Ma'am? He said confused.

"It is Mrs." I repeated again.

"Well, I was just checking on you before I went to warm ups early. "

"That's very considerate of you." I responded dryly.

Tamar was a good student, no doubt, but most male students only wanted some type of "fling" from their female professors, and I valued my career to much to lose it over such foolishness.

"Is there anything I can help with you with?" I stopped packing my things and looked at him from behind my desk. My hair had fallen in my face.. Again  .

"Nope!" He responded with a smile on his face. His teeth were very straight. "I just wanted to make sure you were good. " He threw his backpack over his shoulder.

I then proceeded to finish packing. This boy was wasting my time and I had things to do. After all of my text books were packed, I pulled the handle to roll my bag out of the auditorium. 

"Well, if that was all, Mr. Tamar, I hope you have a swell day." I picked up the brief case and began to roll my bag from behind the desk. Suddenly, my sack began to hesitate and drag the floor.

"You need some help?"

"Tamar." I said annoyed and sarcastically, 'You're still here?" I let out a short sigh under my breath.

'Yeah, let me help." 

"No, I got it." I tried to lift the heavy bag myself.

"It's nothing to let me help you." He laughed softly.

Before I could decline him he had already picked up the broken bag. 

"How many text books do you have in here Mrs. Anderson? Geeze." He laughed. "Which way is towards your car?" 

"That way." I pointed to the door on the side of the building.

We walked together to my car as I prayed that non of my colleagues would see us.

"This is a tiny car." He said as he placed the bag in my trunk. 

"Tiny to you, perfect for me." I placed the brief case in my back seat.

He closed my trunk gently. Tamar was tall and broad. He had the physique of a NBA player already.

"Sooo." He elongated out.

I knew where this was going. I began walking around to the driver's seat as fast as I could.

"When are you going to let me take you out." He asked me with so much confidence.

"I'm married Tamar. " I said in the same tone that I always spoke in when I told him this statement. "Happily married." I tried to assure myself.

"Yeah I know, but.." He walked to side my car.

I cut him off. "No buts. You have a nice day. " I shut my door and he stood there. I guess this fool didn't understand English. I sat there and just looked forward. I was being quite rude to someone who had just helped me. "Just walk away." I thought to myself. "Just walk away so I can leave."

He stood there just smiling. He bright teeth gleaming. He knocked on my car window .

I let down my window partially. 

"Yes sir?"

"Just hear me out." I guess he thought this was some type of debate. "I know how much you like coffee. Maybe we could go out for some one day after class."

"Enjoy practice." I rolled up my window and put on my shades. 

I drove off leaving him in the parking lot.


INSTA: _papi_suave

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