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   As of right now, I'm in the woods on my way back to the house. Edward told me we were over. I didn't care. I mean sure, I cared that he played me through the whole relationship, but he could of at least saved face and told me he didn't like me from the start. Alas, he pulled me into a world that I thought only existed in fairytales. I pull myself from my thoughts as I walked right into the house, and up to my bedroom. I went towards my closet to, to hidden compartment behind my shirts, grabbed all the cash I had, went down to the car dealership. I traded in my old truck and got myself a 2016 lifted, king-cab Chevy truck. I loved it, and after driving it off the lot, I went back to the house, packed all the clothes, make-up, shoes, jewelry, and anything else I could, into some boxes.

   After putting them in the truck, I wrote Charlie a note and left. I left with no regrets, I had already graduated early, I was eightteen, and I could make my own decisions. I hopped on to the interstate system and drove, the grueling 38 hours straight down to my hometown, Houston, Texas. I missed it and as soon as I parked right outside a diner, I grabbed the bag of clothes I had and changed there. I was well known in this part of town. I was known as 'The Derby Girl'. That was before I got in a really bad wreck on the coarse. I was lucky to still be alive. 12 people died in that crash, but I was the only one alive.

   I never went back after that wreck. I regretted that decision for awhile, and still do, but now, I'm looking forward to going back. I walked into the diner, and got changed into a black button down, light blue jeans, a brown belt, and my black cowboy boots and hat. Doing a full 360, I double checked that I grabbed everything and put it in my duffel that I brought. I step out of the stall, wash my hands, and leave the bathroom to go ask a waitress if I could sit down and eat.

   Not being able to find one that wasn't busy, I just sat at an empty booth in the back. Looking outside the window, I took in the scenery I once called home for most of my life. The hot sun, birds chirping, rising with the sun, and sittin' out on the back porch with the smell of the fresh dew on the ground, is what I had truly missed. I would never trade this for the world. I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard the waitress trying to get my attention. Apologising for my rudeness, I ordered a water and a hamburger with fries and a salad.

   Not long after I ordered, the food arrived. I thanked the waitress and started eating. Halfway through my meal, my phone started ringing. I didn't recognize the number, but it was a Houston area code. Clearing my mouth, I answered it anyways.


"Hey bonita (bonita), what are you doing back in Houston?"

   Almost dropping my water, I froze. I haven't heard that voice in almost two years. It was my older brother, Beau. He had shipped off to the Marines a few days after my 11th birthday. I was sad, but happy that he was gonna fulfill his dreams. Last time we talked, he had gotten ready to deploy and after that we lost touch. I haven't talked to him since.

   Turning around, and almost giving myself wip-lash in the process, there was my brother standing at the door of the diner in his uniform. I jumped from my seat and ran towards him. Flying into his arms, I sobbed and clung to him like my life depended on it. For a few seconds, I didn't register the crowd around us or the on-lookers. When I did, I became shy and let go of my brother. Pulling him to the booth, I vacated moments before, I asked him a bunch of questions. After learning that he had found a girl named Adrea, planned to marry her, and that he re-enlisted, I asked the inevitable.

"Why didn't you contact me, Beau? You're twenty-five now and I missed you."

"I didn't know if you still hated me when I left on my last tour. I saw how strong you tried to be, but I could see how broken you were. I didn't want to upset you anymore than I already did."

"Beau, I could never be upset with you. You're my brother. The one that is always there for me when others weren't. Yes I was broken when you left, but I quickly shaped up and looked forward to the day when you would be coming home." I stated with a smile on my face.

"But I never got the chance to see you come home because I was sent to Forks to live with Charlie. I didn't like it. I missed everything. I'm back, though, and that's all that matters from now on."

   After finishing my meal, Beau and I decided to go outside and sit awhile since there was a park and a lake next door. Walking back to my truck with my brother by my side, I walk to the back while telling him my life before moving. Let's just say he was ready to kick Edward's ass. 

"Wait, so you're telling me that you, the toughest girl I know, besides our mama, got played by a low lyin', pansy ass, dick head that basically told you to leave all your friends, and then had the audacity to leave you in the woods?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying, and I hope he falls into the burning pits of hell for what he did. If I ever see him again though, I may do it myself."

Just as I made sure everything was secure, the tailgate was shut and the bed cover locked. I looked back up to see Beau's reaction, only to see the Cullen's standing there, in the shade of the diner's metal awning, looking like I grew a second head while looking between Beau, Edward, and I. This is going to be a very interesting talk and I hope to God that the prick doesn't try to control me.

The True Me(under Revision And Editing)Where stories live. Discover now