Chapter 2

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"Lovely to meet you. I'm assuming you knew the Cullens?" I ask carefully watching for a reaction. She flinches a little, making me smirk. I already have a lead.

"Um, yeah, my boyfriend is... was Edward." She muttered shaking her head a little at her mistake. Bella seems to be numb to the world until I mentioned the Cullen's.

"Ah, I see. Well, we have some stuff to talk about then. Wanna hang out tonight?" She had to know about vampires if she was dating one. Most of us don't date around considering we had mates out there. 

"Oh, uh, okay, I guess. I'm not doing anything." Bella shrugs and gives me a little smile, looking up for the first time. This girl totally has potential to be stunning. She was already very pretty. Bella did a double take at my eyes and I giggle a little. I put my finger up to my lips and shush a little. She knew about us vampires. 

Which means I get to finally have a normal-ish friend. We didn't talk after that, choosing to listen to the lecture I've heard countless times. The blonde (Matt? What was his name again?) stops her and they have a little conversation in the hallway. I smile and hum to myself.

I had a friend. 

The day passes by decently fast. I ate lunch with Mike and got formally introduced to the group from this morning. (Jessica, Angela, Eric, Mike... I hope)  They all were intimidated by me, but that was normal. Most people were a little stunned when first meeting a vampire. They should get over it soon. 

I may have forgotten to ask where Bella lives. Thankfully my senses were trustworthy. I knock on the front door. She has a cute little place. An older man answers the door, her father, if I guessed. He eyes me suspiciously.  "Hi there! I'm Lola, me and Bella were hanging out tonight?" 

His suspicious look disappears almost instantly. He shakes my hand and his head. "I don't know how you did this, but you're helping her a lot here. Thank you."

"Dad!" Bella must have heard her dad judging by her red face. "We gotta go now if we're going to catch our movie. Bye, love you!" She rushed out of the house and jumps in my car. I wave at her dad before pulling out. Bella almost immediately turns off my music. 

"Okay, so... Did he tell you or did you find out on your own?" I jump right in to it. I wanted to know more about my friend. Besides, now I'm the one responsible for turning her eventually since Edward left her.

"I found out. When were you turned?" 

"I love playing twenty questions! 1975, I'm eighteen," I jumped in my seat a little excited. We have an hour or so drive ahead of us and this is what friends do. I think.

"I'm eighteen, too. How are you not struggling?" She seems a little wary. Bella rubbed the veins across her wrist subconsciously. I guess she knew about the difference and my eye color helped her remain calm. 

"I've never killed anyone," I shrug a little. "I've certainly have wanted to, trust me, but I could never take the life of anyone no matter how much they deserve it." I felt the mood darken a little bit at my last words so I change the topic to gossip. "Does Mike always try to get with the new girl?" She laughs and nods. 

Bella decided on some zombie movie but walks out before the end. "Hey, you okay, babe?" I bump her hip against mine. 

"Yeah, yeah. Can we go eat?" She shifts from foot to foot and i can tell  she doesn't want to talk. So I nod asking her where she wants to go and telling her it would be on me. 

Bella and I were walking silently down the street. There was a shady bar ahead near the McDonald's Bella had led us to. I hear a man point us out to his friends and I switch places with Bella so the men would have to get through me to get to Bella. 

I kept walking forward until Bella stops. She was muttering to herself about knowing the men. I step closer to her and grab her arm. "Look, I won't ask the situation that those men found you in, but we're not catching up." She ignores me and walks closer. I stay in my spot hearing the things they were saying about us.

One called dibs on me. I was getting sick from the memories. "Bella, please," I was strangely aware of how weak I sound. She froze then, staring into space. She shook her head a little and continues forward. Men from the bar start calling to her. My feet refuse to move. I am scared. I could slaughter the entire bar in minutes and I am scared.

She talks with one of them. I listen to every word waiting for anything in their voices to show they were going to hurt her. Bella comes back to me and we stare at each other for a minute. "Let's go eat." She grabs my hand and walks. 

I dropped Bella off then sped back to my house. My new friend may be harder to protect than I thought. She has my number now so she can ask me to hang out whenever she wants. Or most likely, I ask her. 

The night was spent painting all the rooms in my house. I like colors and it definitely shows on the inside of my house.Even if my house will probably only ever have me in it. Maybe Bella sometime in the future. 

My phone dings and, considering the only one with my number was Bella, it is a happy shock.

I'm going over to a friends tag along?

Sure! Meet you @ your place?

Be here in 5?

Be there in 2

I do a little happy dance and run through the woods to Bella's place. There is no police car in the driveway so I took the liberty of jumping into Bella's room. "You should probably keep your window closed," I said, fixing my hair in a mirror. 

"Yeah, wouldn't want a weird vampire jumping in my room or anything," Bella rolls her eyes at me. I gasp, mock offended. "We're going to my friend Jacob Black's house. I got some stuff for him to fix. He's a mechanic."

"I'm down for anything," I shrug smiling at her. It was true, she could ask me to do anything and I probably will tag along. "Let's go, then. I'm interested in meeting the dude that can get you out of the house."

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