Chapter 5

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Sam was watching me retreat across the river when his head snapped to the side. It was more than slightly uncomfortable after the whole almost-killing me. He didn't move from his spot and I doubted he would until I was out of sight. Sam snarled and transformed into his wolf. 

I looked to where he was running and saw a flash of red. Hair a shade lighter than mine was jumping to my side. My eyes widened and I chased after her. I should warn the other vampire about the treaty, she probably didn't know about it. 

I was just behind her. The poor girl was probably terrified, but she wouldn't stop. Sam was snapping at her when she jumped to his side. 

I tackled her to the ground, yelling a 'sorry!' "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Look you shouldn't-" I was trying to calm down the rouge when she reached up and bit just above my collarbone. 

I screeched, rolling away and she got up and sprinted away. My back was flat against the forest ground and I was breathing hard, shocked. She bit me? She bit me! I was just trying to help! 

Sam slowly disappeared into the thick forest. I sat on the cold ground for a second. The teeth marks almost immediately left a scar that I traced slowly. What just happened?

I didn't even run home, just walked.


The school was the same as Friday. I suppose I was still the new student, still a novelty. Maybe that'd never wear off though as a few students whispered about how I put the Cullen's to shame. 

I showed up to lunch late as an excuse to not eat. "Hey, sorry, I was working on an essay," I rolled my eyes, "I thought we'd be done with those but nope." Bella scooted over to give me a spot to sit. 

The table turned back to their conversations. One about sports, another about weekend plans. When the group started talking about a bear, I froze. Big and black and an uncertain bear label? Sounds a lot like Sam to me. 

Bella spoke up, "We had a hiker in Saturday who saw the bear too, Angela. He said it was huge, black, and just out of town, didn't he, Mike?" The whole table froze for a second and Bella blushed furiously. "Mike, remember the bear story?" She grasped for some way to get attention off her. 

"S-sure," Mike stuttered after a pause. 

"Hmm, I don't know. When do bears even get out of hibernation? I mean it's only January..." A girl with a short hair cut said suspiciously. Lauren? I thought trying to find her name. All I could think of for sure was how she was a little mean and sour to me. 

The conversation moved on easily and I jumped in with a joke or comment occasionally. When Bella got up to throw away her lunch, Angela and I followed. Bella normally walks with me to our next class. Angela seemed to want to talk to her so I stepped away and acted as if I couldn't hear every word. 

"Oh, joy! Bella's back," Lauren whispered hardly passing the pair. I stuck my foot out for just a second, fast enough where anyone looking would think Lauren tripped on air and her clumsiness was the reason for food on her sweater. 

I hooked my arm with Bella's and pulled her off to class. 


Alice gasped at her version. A bright smile made its way on her face instantly. Despite the situation with her brother leaving the family behind, she squealed in excitement. 

Jasper and Esme looked up from where they were sitting in their new home's living room. "What is it now?" Rosalie emerged from the backyard, arms crossed and face set in a frown. It eased a little when her mate, Emmet, wrapped an arm around her from behind. 

"Jasper's mate is looking for us! She's settled in Forks now and she's been protecting Bella. She was attacked, but she just decided what color dress she should get," Alice said, happily not noticing how Jasper stood up quickly. "She decided on white!"

"What?" Everyone in the room asked at once, Jasper's voice the loudest. "Is she okay?" He asked worried. He didn't know anything about the girl, if she was even a vampire, but his heart fluttered at the thought of a girl meant for him. 

"Oh, yeah, she's fine," Alice frowned in thought, "The vampire that attacked her just left a mark on her shoulder. She's gorgeous, Jazz!" 

Esme wondered what she looked like out loud. "Gorgeous, long, red hair, like seriously, I'm jealous! She's kinda tall, I think, and skinny. You just have to see her." Alice jumped up and down, clapping her hands in excitement. Rosalie seemed interested in this beautiful girl. If a vampire thought she was stunning, she had to be.

"I'm going to go find her," Jasper tried running up to his room, planning on gathering his things and catching the first flight from England to Fork, Washington. 

Emmett grabbed his forearm. "I don't think that's a great idea. This girl is friends with Bella. We should wait and see if anything happens. She'll find her way to us eventually," He said. 

"Alice said she was looking for us, after all," Rosalie shrugged. 

Jasper hesitated, "Three months. If my mate isn't here in three months I'm going to get her myself." Emmett raised his hands as if surrendering. 

"Her name is Lolita, by the way," Alice called, going to her room. 

Jasper tried the name out, "Lolita," he muttered, smiling a little at the name. He whispered it a few more times.

958 Words.

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