Chapter 4

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My house was kept at a warm temperature. I couldn't really feel the difference between warm or cool or hot or cold. But it made me feel human. I didn't hate what I was, not really. I hated how I was turned. I hated the fact that the way I turned was the strongest memory I had. 

I jumped down from the tree I was perched on to attack some big cat. The warm blood filled my mouth. I liked to feed more often than most vampires. Seeing my eyes turn black was sickening to me. At least my honey eyes were pretty while reminding me of my inhuman status. 

I smelt another animal running away and my hunter instincts clicked. I started chasing it, dodging trees and fallen branches. It had a head start and jumped over a ravine. I took two steps back before running and jumping on the other side. 

Rolling to a stop, I heard the leaves rustle in front of my face. This heartbeat was stronger, more steady. It wasn't scared of me. I slowly lifted my head up to see a giant wolf. It was the size of a horse. I've been many places but never seen anything like this.

It snarled at my movement and lunged at me. Crap, crap, crap. I rolled under its belly and jumped to my feet. We're fighting now, I don't fight, I thought panicked. It quickly turned and grabbed my arm in its teeth and pulled. Yelling in pain, venom filled my eyes, tears that'd never fall. My fist pulled back and hit the beast's nose. It released my now almost-severed arm and stepped back.

The pain that comes with reattaching limbs is indescribable. It's one of the few things that can hurt a vampire. I watched in shock as the beast turned into a man. It didn't even register with me that he was naked. He stalked over to me and grabbed my throat. I gasped at how hard he was holding my neck. I didn't need to breathe, but if he snapped my neck I'd be out for an hour or two. I could only hope this... werewolf didn't know we had to be beheaded then burned.

"What do you want, leech?" He sneered at me, eyes full of hate. "I thought you Cullen's would actually follow the treaty."

"Please," His hand tightened more around my throat when I tried talking, "Not a Cullen." 

"Then I have no reason to keep you alive," He started tearing my head from my neck and I yelled. 

"Please! Please!" I was begging for my life now. "I don't know abut any treaty. I just moved here! Please, I'll never come back!" He stopped tearing but kept his hand holding me in the air. My blood coated his hand.

"You'll tell me your name and why you're here. I'll tell you about the treaty and you'll agree. You'll go home, heal, and never come here again. Got it?" His eyes were serious and he dropped me on the ground. I felt myself start to heal immediately. 

"I'm Lolita Thornton. Turned 1975. I came to Forks looking for the Cullen's. I was chasing an animal and it led me here. Please, I promise no harm will come to anyone." 

I could probably kill him now that he was a human again but could I? The strength was there, if lessened by my state, but I have never harmed anyone. After all, the only reason I was able to kill animals was the reasoning that they were dangerous. I kept the ecosystem balanced in a way.

"Listen here, Leech. You will not cross the ravine. You will not step foot on the reservation again. You will not hurt any humans. You will not turn any humans into one of you. In return, I will not rip you to shreds, got it?" I nodded slowly. 

"Thank you," I winced, turning my neck back and forth. 

"My name is Sam," He stuck a hand out for me. I shook it hesitantly. 

Little shorter chapter but oh whale.


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