Chapter 9

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"I just don't know how he got mono! He hasn't exactly been kissing anyone," Bella sighed into the phone. 

"I think you could get it from sharing drinks or something. Maybe a friend had it and he didn't know?" I shrugged despite knowing she couldn't see me. I was in the middle of putting the finishing touches on a new ballet room. With all the time in the world, literally, you pick up a lot of hobbies. 

"I guess," she said. Bella called me just to rant about Jacob being sick apparently. A little hurtful knowing she'd been so affected by not hanging out with him when I was still here. 

"He's definitely avoiding me. I mean, he went out with friends last weekend! I don't understand why he'd just dump me," Bella ranted for the thousand-th time this week. It was getting annoying. 

"Look, maybe he's just going through a phase? Maybe Quil and Embry wanted to spend more time with him. We don't know," I rolled my eyes. When the bell run to get to first, we walked together. 

It seemed in a weird way I was the queen of the school and Bella was the princess or something. I didn't really do anything special. I wasn't involved in any clubs or sports and yet the crowds still parted when I walked by. From what Bella told me while the Cullen's were beautiful, they were untouchable. I assumed I was more approachable and equally beautiful which was a winning combination.

Humans could be such sheep. 

"I'm going hiking tomorrow morning, will you come with? Charlie's been putting me on lockdown since the bear attacks and I'm uneasy about the woods, too."

"Sure, I make a great bodyguard."

Bella seemed on the verge of a panic attack the whole hike. I wasn't sure where exactly we were going and she never said. For a few hours it was silent in the forest, just the sound of Bella breathing and animals moving. 

She entered the field first. It could be a great spot in the summer or spring. Now the circular field had overgrown, brown grass. I heard a creek in the distance which meant that animals would come through here. It had potential to be beautiful. 

A gasp caused me to turn to Bella again. Her knees buckled and she almost fell to the ground. Tears filled her eyes and I went to support her. Just as Bella's arm was settled on my shoulders I heard a rustling from the opposite side of the field. 

Another vampire, a black one with long dreads in a brown suit showing off his chest was entering the field. "Laurent!" Bella called, somewhat happily. I gave her a look, how was she associated with a human drinking vampire?

"Ah, Bella... I went to the Cullen's and they weren't there. I'm surprised they left you behind weren't you sort of a pet for them?" He grinned lazily. I got chills from his look and felt an urge suddenly to lie. 

"Something like that," Bella said, "They left Lolita here to protect me while I finish school." 

Bella took a tiny step back and Laurent's eyes flicked to her foot. I watched him, maybe I couldn't kill him but with a well-timed attack I could grab Bella and run. "Do they visit often?" Laurent asked.

"Sometimes," Bella lied again. Her voice shook and it was easy to call her bluff. 

"The house smelled like it had been vacant for a while," His voice was like a purr. He was enjoying this game. 

"Alice and Edward stay with me. They get so lonely up in that big house alone," I answered this time, my voice much more confident than Bella's. 

"I'll have to tell them you stopped by. Carlisle will be sad he missed your visit. Though I probably shouldn't mention it to Edward, he gets so overprotective," Bella let out a strained laugh. "He's still touchy of the James thing."


"I have experience with that Edward," I laughed hoping to convince him that I have a relationship with him. He stepped forward a lot closer this time. I casually shifted my weight to were I was standing half-way in front of Bella.

"How is alaska? Carlisle said you were staying with Tanya?" 

"The restrictions are difficult. Sometimes I cheat," Laurent and I were almost touching chests and I refused to break eye contact.

"Did Victoria ever find you?" Bella asked shakily. He broke the staring to look at Bella. 

"I'm actually here as a favor for her. She won't be happy about this."

"About what?" My voice was hard. It didn't quite sound like me, I was normally peppy. 

"Killing you and your charge," Laurent reached his hand forward and stroked my cheek lightly. I glared at him harder. "She wants revenge. Mate for a mate." I growled lowly.

"Why not wait then?" Bella sounded panicked. Of course she was. She is being threatened by a blood-thirsty vampire.

"You smell quite delicious. Don't worry, this is a favor. If you knew what Victoria had planned for you," Laurent said, shaking his head. He suddenly lunged at Bella and I round-house kicked him across the field into a tree. 

His head snapped up, growling. The look on his face dropped suddenly and I heard an even louder growl come from the woods surrounding us. Sam, in wolf form, was emerging from the forest snapping at Laurent. Four more showed up to flank him. It was a terrifying sight. 

Laurent turned and ran. The wolves followed quickly and left Bella and I in the field. Bella was shaking violently and crying a little. I picked her up in my arms and ran faster than I've ever gone to put her back in her room. I heard the sound of porcelain breaking in the distance. 

Stuff's happening!

972 Words.

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