Chapter 6

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Maybe it was a little creepy to check on Bella at her work, but I really needed a  new tent. Well, not really a need, I don't exactly sleep on my 'camping' trips, yet I did like having somewhere to meditate in between hunting. 

The bell above the door rung sharply when I pushed the door open. Mike and Bella were talking. He was trying to get her to go on a date. Awkward... I grabbed a random tent and rushed to pay for it. 

"Hey, Lola! Jake's coming over tomorrow night to work on homework, wanna join?" Bella called, seeing me leave. 

I turned around, smiling brightly, "Of course I do!"

The next night was half spent studying, the other half spent trying to get Bella to laugh. It was a joint effort by Jacob and I, which finally succeeded in the middle of a popcorn fight. 

Charlie didn't seem surprised when he walked in on us three. He was surprised, however, by the stray popcorn that hit him in the face, courtesy of a red-faced Bella. She began to stammer apologies. Charlie just smiled and shook his head. 

Despite not being able to join Bella on the garage adventures, I was still seamlessly added into their friendship. One day, when I was helping Bella finish her chores so we could go to Port Angeles, we got the call. "I'm going to get the bikes, meet us by the cliffs?" Bella rushed out, running upstairs to grab her jacket. I nodded in excitement. I would be safe by the cliffs, it's just before the treaty line. 

I made it to the spot before them, waiting patiently on top of my car's hood. I swung my feet back and forth, humming a little, waiting for the tell-tale roar of the ancient truck. 

I looked around, spotting Sam and a few other men (other wolves, probably) play-fighting on the highest cliff. I watched as one of the guys threw another off the cliff. Gasping a little, I waited for a sign that I needed to step in. 

I could hear Bella less than a mile away yelling about calling an ambulance. Jake just laughed at her and explained that it was a recreational activity. I suppose even werewolves needed entertainment. 

Bella was trying to convince Jacob to take her cliff diving now. I shook my head. It would be out of my safe-zone and knowing Bella she'd try to jump off a too-tall one and get seriously hurt. 

"Let's get these bad boys going!" I cheered when the duo arrived. Jacob lifted both bikes out, shooing me away from helping. I forgot I was a normal human girl to him. 

It was decided Bella would take the first go since she needed to be taught how to ride. Jacob quickly went over where everything would be located. "Don't let go of the clutch, okay?" Jacob warned one more time. 

He waited for Bella to nod then slammed his foot on the pedal. I rubbed my arm, Bella looked terrified and maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Bella started falling sideway and I almost rushed to her side before Jake caught her and steadied her. "Do you still have the clutch?" 

"Yes," She gasped.

"Plant your feet, I'm going to try again." Jacob put his hand on the back of the seat too this time. It took four more kicks before the the bike started growling. They went through the process, Jacob still guiding Bella through it before he stepped back and told her to ease up on the clutch.

"You want me to let go of the grenade?" 

"That's how you move. Just do it little by little."

Bella looked slightly to her side and gasped, letting go of the clutch completely. "Bella!" I yelled watching as she drove down the dirt road shaking before crashing in a heap. 

Bella insisted on trying again. "I don't know if this is your best idea Bells..." I watched warily as she climbed back on the death trap. 

This time she eased off the clutch slowly and went flying down the road. Jake and I were cheering for her. I high-fived him in victory. She was approaching a turn too fast.

I watched in almost slow-motion as she fall again and the stench of blood filled my nose. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to ignore the sudden burning. 

I rushed over to Bella as fast as humanly possible. My friend was hurt and that was far more important than anything else at this moment. "Bells! Are you okay?" 

She laughed a little dazed, stretching her arms and legs out. "I'm great! Let's do that again!"

"I think you better go to the hospital first," Jake said crouching next to me, "You're gushing blood, Bella."

She looked at me and put a hand on her head. When she saw the blood, she just stared for a second before looking at me and apologizing. 

"Why are you apologizing for bleeding?" Jake asked, taking his shirt off and throwing it at me. I caught it and started putting pressure on the gash. "Let's go, I'll drive."

"You're kind of beautiful..." Bella told Jacob.

He just laughed, "You definitely hit your head hard."

I managed to get Jake to leave, promising I'd take care of Bella tonight. She refused going to the hospital and I lied and said I knew how to stick someone up. 

"Look, Bella, I need you to lay down for a second and not freak out. I'm going to need to concentrate and I'll answer questions later, okay?" I rushed around the room, throwing Jake's shirt as far away from me as possible. It was soaked in blood. 

She gave me a weird look but did as I said, relaxing on her bed. Taking an deep breath I crossed my legs and sat next to Bella's head. I breathed again and let my hands hover over the wound. 

I felt energy slowly leave me. I heard Bella gasp a little, a mix of pain and astonishment. We stayed like that for almost a minute before I opened my eyes again. There was a little gash still but nothing that should make anyone too suspicious. "How..?"

"Powers. I found out helping a baby bird one day," I winced. "I should go hunt now. Clean up all the blood and I'll be back. You probably have a concussion and have to be waken up every two hours or so tonight."

Bella just nodded as I jumped out the window. 

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