Chapter 29: Payback

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(Sohyun's POV)

    "Excuse me for a mintue girls. Jimin is calling me." I smirked and excused myself from the table. The girls smiled as their eyes lit up. "He is so desperate. Hahah oh my god." One of the girls said. "Yeah, I knew he would crawl right back to her." Another girl stated.

As soon as I left the cafeteria I scurried off into the bathroom. I stood there tightly gripping my new phone and sighed. "I wish he was calling me." I stomped my foot on ground. "Ugh. I don't want to answeerr~" I whined.

I reluctantly pressed answer and put it up to my ear,

"Yoboseyo." I said emotionless.

"Sohyun, something has happened and I must tell you, but first I need you to come home and start packing immediately." Mother sounded scared yet angry.

'What? Why? What happened?' I felt my heart sink and my body start to shake. All the things that I have rushed through my mind. 'I don't want to leave all that behind!' I thought, opening my mouth to say something, but, unfortunately, nothing came out but the sound of my shaky breath.

"Look, I know you're confused and scared, but we don't have time for that right now. Come home now! We have no time to waste! Also, I want you to know that this is your fault and that your a terrible daughter." Mother said and hung up before I could get a word out.

The grip around my phone loosened and the pain deepened. 'What did I do? Why is it my fault?'

"How could she say something like that?" The tears started welling up as I tried thinking about all the things that I did that could have been the cause.

I shrieked when I finally realized why. "Oh no." I whispered. '!? How did my parents find out!?'  It was like a light bulb turned on and I gripped my phone tightly once again. My sadness quickly turned into anger. "EUUUNJIIII!" I screamed and stomped out of the bathroom running back into the cafeteria.

I searched all over the cafeteria until I spotted that stupid face of hers sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria. 'What a pity. Sitting alone like a loner.' I laughed devilishly as I made my to her.

"Hi Sohyun." She said cheerfully as if she didn't do anything. "Why you BITCH!" My hand found it's way across Eunji's ugly face. The cafeteria went silent after the slap echoed throughout the room and all their eyes looked at us. She kept her head down. I felt good that I had everyone's attention. Now they can see how much of a bitch she really is.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!" I yelled at her. She didn't budge. "You got all butthurt, so you decided to become a little tattle-tail and bring it up to MY PARENTS!" I bent down bringing my face closer to her. "If you had a problem, then you should've brought it up with me. But do you know why you wouldn't do that? Because you're a wimp." I was getting frustrated with her not responding, so I picked up her tray and dumped all of her untouched food on her head, finally getting a reaction that time. "See? This is what you deserve you dumb, ugly ass bitch." I smirked.

It was silent. No one moved a muscle.

"Hmph!" I huffed and strutted away as I fliped my hair. Behind me, I heard small quite laughter that gradually got louder and louder until it was just plain annoying. I turned around to see Eunji leaning back in her chair with her arms wrapped around her stomach laughing like a maniac.

I pursed my lips as I watched her finally stop laughing. She swiftly got up and made her way over towards me. "You know, you just made yourself look like the 'dumb ass bitch'. Also, the only wimpy one here is you. If you really had a problem with Jimin loving me instead of you, then you should've brought it up with me instead of getting someone else to kill my mom." She brought her face closer to mine, "But you know who wouldn't do that? A wimp such as yourself.  And since this conversation of ours is getting serious, you don't have to smother your face with makeup to cover all of your flaws. Everyone can see how ugly you are regardless. Inside and out." She shrugged innocently and walked past me.

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