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I will post all updates here. That doesn't include the new entry news, such as what the entry will be about but, it will include anything I may have forgot to add. Check this daily, as I am very forgetful.

Update 7/20/2016
So, I never mentioned where the meetings will be taking place. All of the ladies will be taken to the Women's Room to wait and meet the prince individually. While waiting, you girls may talk amongst yourselves and make friends. From there, you will be escorted by two guards (one on each side) to the garden to meet Prince Mason.

Mason will be standing when you get to him. He will gently kiss your hand as he bows. He does this for every selected girl out of respect. Make sure to curtsy and address him properly. You do not know him well enough to call him Mason yet. From there, you and Prince Mason will sit on the bench and talk. Answer any questions he may have for you. It pleases him if the girls ask questions as well. It shows interest.

After the meeting, you will be escorted back to the Women's Room. You will wait until everyone has had their turn to meet Prince Mason before you are dismissed. After this, all of you are taken to a late lunch and are free to enjoy the rest of your day as you please. Dinner takes place at 7:30 and there is a strict bedtime of 9:30 so be aware of that. Good luck ladies! I wish you well! :)

Update #2 7/20/2016
I'm having a bit of an off day so please don't be surprised if there's a third update. The order of the girls meeting the prince will be-
Lady Ava (sherlockion )
Lady Maria Grace (alwaysbooknerd5683 )
Lady Ariadne (infinitywordlover )
Lady Amalia (Parrott )
Lady Holly Joe (SwimmerVGirl )
Lady Emma Ingrid (Hannah0461 )
Lady Zoe (Forever-The-Queens )
Lady Alyssa (LikeTotallyTubular )
Lady Baylee (ShannonWatkins2 )
Lady Sophia (Lauraawesome987 )
Lady Kassandra (THEBAE404 )

This was in no particular order!

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