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There was no hope left on Earth. Everything that I knew and love was dead. It was all thanks to the demons.

About six months ago, our president decided that it would be so much fun to accept the demons war challenge. Look where we ended up, we were personal slaves to these sick bastards. A lot of humans die from their unfair and harsh punishments.

I cringe as the demon, Sliva, laughs as a human was being stretched by two other demons. One had his legs while the other had his arms and they pulled away from each other. The poor guy screams, his body quivering from the amount of force being used.

"His body is about to give out," the black haired guy by the name of Phil, says quietly. We both shift around uncomfortably in our dog crates. Yes, they kept us in dog crates because after all we aren't anything but animals to them.

The guys screams louder. You can practically hear his skin rip apart slowly. It was agonizing to my ears. Phil whimpers, covering his ears with his hands.

"Oh, please, someone, make it stop!" He squeals quietly. I adverted my eyes as the demons laugh, crazed with madness, as they pulled one last time. It grew really silent as the guy they were tugging, breaks in half, his intestines spewing all over the ground. I felt bile rise in the back of my throat.

The sad thing about all of this was the own guy's son had to watch all of this happen. And he looked only about five years old.

"Daddy!" His small, tear stained face presses up again the bars of his small dog crate as he tries to process all of what he just witnessed.

The demon, Xacier, walk towards our crates, smiling mischievously. He bends down, unlock Phil's crate. Phil let's out a shriek as Xacier grabs a fistful of his shirt and yanks him out. He shoves Phil forward on the ground. I cringe further into my crate as he unlocks it.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun!" He growls. I yelp when he yanks me roughly out of the crate by my hair, throwing me down beside Phil.

"Look at me," Xacier shouts. We both look up shakily. Hr smiles widely, a knife appears in his hand. Phil whimpers beside me.

What surprised both of us was when he hands Phil the knife. Phil takes it with shaky hands, a faint gleam in his eyes. Xacier must've saw it too.

"Don't you try anything because I will make you wish you were never born." Hope leaves Phil's eyes as the other demons laugh. "What you're going to do is hurt your friend here." Phil's eyes widen.

"I can-"

"That's an order!" Xacier barks, thin wires work their way around my arms and legs, pinning me to the floor. I stare at Phil who's face was completely pale.

I smile sadly, it was bound to happen one day. I urge Phil on with my eyes, telling him that it wasn't his fault, I will never hate him for something that wasn't in his control.

Xacier growls impatiently, grabbing Phil's wrist. "You're taking forever! Here let me help!" And he brought Phil's wrist down.

The first thing that I felt was pain. Horrible pain all across my chest. Another slash across my chest and Phil was in tears now. He had no control over his a actions.

Before this could result into anything further, a deep, accented voice rings out across the field.

"Heyyy Xacier, we are coming for you and your friends!" Xacier froze, dropping Phil's wrist. Phil collapse on the ground in a sobbing mess. The restraints around my limbs disappear and I sigh in relief. I thought it was over. God how I was wrong.

"Shit, get them into their crates and load them up! The fallen ones have arrived!" Xacier shouts. The other two demons spring into action. Gathering up the dog crates and slinging people who were still alive back in their crates. Xacier grabs Phil and I by our hair and drag us backwards. In pain from the two slash wounds and fear, I let out a screech.

"Shut the fuck up you piece of worthless shit!" He spats, throwing me down on the ground. Something thunders in the distance. Gunfire rings out through the darken night. "Fucking fallen ones!" Xacier growls throwing Phil back into his crate and locked it quickly.

I was yanked to my feet by my hair. I hiss. Xacier's yellow eyes glare into my chocolate brown ones. "You will carry your friends crate. Try anything funny and I will shoot you both." Something lands behind us as I pick up Phil's crate. "Follow the others!"

I didn't have a choice, I had to obey him or both Phil and I would be killed. Ignoring the pain, I hurriedly follow the others.

"Mark.." Phil whimpers. I focused on trying not to get shot considering the gunshots were getting close fairly quickly.

"Phil, I'm fine. It's not your fault." I yelp as something grabs me from behind, causing me to drop Phil's crate.

"Mark!" He yells as I struggle against the unknown force.

"Bros, would you two calm down! I'm trying to help yo-" I slung my elbow back hitting whoever it was square in the face. They let out a grunt and stumbled backwards. I grab Phil's crate and started running again.

The others were nowhere in sight. I was more confused then ever. I was also losing blood fairly quickly. I stumble, dropping Phil's crate once again.

"Mark! Mark! Get up! We have to keep going!" Phil screams. I shake my head, falling to my knees. Now Phil was struggling to get break free from his crate so he could help me.

"Phil..." I whisper, my eyes closing slowly. I was really tired now. It was also become really difficult for me to breathe.

"M-Mark!" He cries. "P-please don't- Ah!" His dog crate was jerked back from my fading view and the last thing I saw were bright blue eyes.

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