How to Request an Imagine

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Hello!! I'm shocked and happy people are still reading these!! You guys are amazing! Sooo i'm gunna start writing imagines again!! But just know it may take up to a week or two for me to get them written and up! So if you wanna request a personal imagine message me with:

                                      -Your Name

                                     -What boy

                                     -Lil bit about yourself (personality traits, eye color, hair color etc.)

                                     -What senario (first date, sexual, cute etc.)

ALSO! I started a new story!! It's about the always adorable and amazing Calum Hood!! So please go check it out! I really would like some feedback on it and votes and stuff!! 

Ok! That's it for now! Get requesting and reading!! You are all amazing, dont ever forget that! Love yas! xo -Rachel

5 Seconds of Summer ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now