Imagine Michael: Out of the Friend Zone

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This one was requested by Sam! :) I really hope this is what you were thinking of! Let me know what ya think!! Sorry it took soo long, i suck haha xo -Rachel

“But mom! I don’t want to go to school! I have no friends, what if everyone hates me?” you worry. You had just made a huge move from Canada to Australia for your mom’s job.

            “Sweetie, it’ll be just fine. I promise!” You sigh, grab your backpack and head off to school.

            “Um hi, I’m Sam. I’m new,” you shyly say to your first hour teacher.

            “Great! Well welcome. Take any open seat!” You walk to about the middle of the class and take a seat next to a boy with dirty blonde hair. You feel him staring at you so you turn to look.

            “Hi I’m Michael!” he introduces himself. You smile back at him. “You wanna have lunch? I usually sit with my three mates but they’re great!”

            “Uh yeah, sounds good!” Michael finds you by your locker before lunch.

            “Ready?” You nod. After getting your food you sit down next to three other boys. “Sam, this is Ashton, Calum and Luke!” he points to each. “Guys this is Sam, she’s new.” The chorus ‘hey’s’ and ‘hi’s.’ After that day the five of you are inseparable! Maybe moving to Australia isn’t so bad.

“Mikey!” you call walking into his house one Saturday afternoon. You were close to all the guys but Michael was your best friend in the world. It’s been almost a year since you moved to Australia. A few months ago you realized that you had feelings for Michael. Like full blown head over heels for your best friend. But of course, you were sure that he didn’t feel the same.

            “Sam Bam!” he answers as you walk into his room and plop down into the chair next to his in front of the TV. There you sat playing video games for hours, only stopping to eat pizza. “Hey Sam?” he asks when the game ends and you both end up getting killed.

            “Yeah Mikey?” He looks like he is going to say something but decides against it.

            “Never mind,” he mumbles and walks out of his room.

             “You know that you since you started you have to finish what you were gonna say, it’s our rule!” You find him in the kitchen.

            “Fine. I think I love you.” his voice is so quiet, almost unheard. Your jaw drops. “I’ve loved you since you walked into class that day. I have been too nervous to say anything, and now you don’t feel the same, so it’s whatever.” He quietly walks back up the stairs. You let out a sigh. You really wish he would quit with the whole walking away from you thing. You slowly push open his bedroom door to see him sitting the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. Walking up to him you pull his hands away and force him to look at you. You sit down and straddle his lap.

            “I love you too Michael,” you confess and attach your lips to his. His arms immediately wrap around your waist and pull you even closer. Michael’s lips are even more perfect than you imagined and they form perfectly with yours. Things get heated as his hands slide up the back your shirt. Minutes later you hear Ashton, Calum and Luke burst into the room catching you.

            “Finally!” Ashton yells. You and Michael both collapse laughing, feeling the happiest you’ve ever been. 

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