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Right about now.
I don't know how to feel.
I want to feel good.
My mind has another deal.

I want to feel like a boss.
I need to feel like my own man.

Each night;
I go to sleep deluded.
I manage to convince myself;
Tomorrow you won't feel wounded.
You won't feel secluded.
And you won't feel deluded.

But then, I see sunrise.
And the same bullshit inevitably says; "Hi."
It's like a never-ending cycle.
Claiming the lives of the so-called "suicidal."

When I educate myself.
I start to feel inspired.
"Ignore these negative thoughts."
And you'll no longer be tired.
Tired of fighting an endless battle.
When that time can be used..
Developing a stronger mental channel.

They say your body is your temple.

Well I say;

Your mental well-being is equally fundamental.

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