Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 .

Jadah pov,

Next morning

"Baby you're going over your daddy's house for a little bit." I said.

"We stay night?" Ryan asked.

"No, you staying with mommy tonight. Daddy is just getting you for a little bit." I said.

"Can we stay over Daddy's house tonight?" Royalty asked. My mouth dropped.

"You don't like staying here with me?" I asked looking at her.

"I do mommy." Ryan said hugging me. I smiled. "Me too mommy but daddy fun." Royalty said.

"What I'm not fun?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yeah, but daddy's fun." She said playing in my hair.

"Daddy do this." Ryan said before going to the middle of the floor and doing a somewhat cartwheel.

"Wow. Baby that was good." I lied clapping my hands

"It not easy." He said shaking his head sitting back down.

"You made it look easy my dude." I said nodding.

Chris just walked into the house with out knocking and sat down on the couch. I just looked at him.

"What?" He asked shrugging.

"Why didn't you knock?" I asked

"Cute hair." He said.

"Hey daddy." Royalty said running toward him and jumping on his lap. "Hey baby girl." He said Kissing her forehead.

"Hey daddy." Ryan said waving staying with me.

"Hey son." Chris smiled looking at Ryan. "Jadah you remember when you burn my car?" He asked.

"How many times are you going to ask me that?" I said trying not to laugh.

"I don't know. I was so upset about that." He said looking at Ryan, he chuckled.

"I still don't care." I smiled sitting up. "But me and Destini are about to go shopping so ... Yeah." I said.

"That's my que to leave?" He asked, I nodded. "Okay." He said getting up. "What time should I bring them back?" He asked.

"Probably around 3 o'clock." I said going upstairs.

"Ight we gone." He sorta shouted after me.


Chris pov,

"Ryan, son.." I trailer off going into the bathroom. "Son how many times I told you not to playing in the toilet?" I asked looking at him. He chuckled shrugging.

"This many." He said holding up 10 fingers. I told him way more then 10 times, but he thinks 10 is like the biggest number so I just left it at that.

"That's a lot of times son." I said picking him up and letting him wash his hands. After that I put him down giving him a paper towel. "If you go back into that toilet again son Ima beat your ass." I said.

He laughed shaking his hand and running off. "Spoil motherfucker." I mumbled shaking my head and turning the light off.

I walk past Royalty Room and seeing her o the floor facing away from me. "What're you doing baby girl?" I asked laying beside her, and using my elbow to lift me up.

"Nothing playing with my dolls." She said not looking at me.

"You good?" I asked changing my facial expression.

"Yeah." She sighed.

"It don't seem like that to me princess." I said sitting up, and putting her on my lap. She put her dolls down and put her head against my chest crying hard. I looked around in confusion. "Royalty, princess what's the matter?" I asked running her back.

"I just want you and mommy back together." She said wiping she tears, but I just felt them coming down.

"Baby girl listen.." I trailed off sitting her up. "I'm trying my hardest to get mommy back. She just hates my got damn guts right now." I said. She chuckled a little wiping her tears.

"I want you and mommy together." She said pouting again.

"Ima make some shake baby girl. I promise." I said.

"Pinky promise?" She said holding her little pinky out. I chuckled connecting our fingers

"I promise princess." I chuckled.

Jadah pov,

"So what you think about the whole Vacation thing with Chris?" Destini asked.

"Girl I really don't know. It's like weird but it's not at the same time because he's my baby daddy." I said.

"Damn, I think it'll be good for the kids you know?" She asked shrugging. I nodded.

"If it wasn't for Ryan and Royalty I wouldn't be communicating at all with Christopher." I said. "But that's my baby daddy." I added.

"Do you see y'all getting back together?" She asked picking up a shirt.

"Right now nah, but he's just a butthole." I said.

"What about Bryson?" She asked. "Think y'all are getting back together?" She asked.

"Sadly no. I miss him so much. Karrueche missed us up." I said sighing.

"I saw and heard." She chuckled. "Good thing her and Chris isn't together anymore." She added.

"Yeah, but I'm glad he got cheated on." I said. "He knows what it finally feels like." I added.

"I just got one question." She chuckled looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"His car!?" She laughed. "What was you thinking?" She asked.

"Hunny I wasn't thinking, but I'm damn sure glad I did." I said slightly chuckling.

"Chris Brown is really your baby daddy." She said in shock.

"Please girl don't remind me." I said rolling my eyes.

"What you think about this shirt?" She asked.

"Perfect." I said smiling. I then spent about over 1000 dollars on clothes and shoes today. Once I see it, I want it, so I get it. That's my only problem.

Destini payed and we walked out the store. She was looking hard at something.

"What?" I asked.

"Jadah isn't that Bryson right there?" She asked pointing to the store right across from us. I looked the direction she was pointing at, and I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

My mouth dropped and my eyes started to burn.

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