Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 .

Jadah pov,

Next day.

I woke up still a bit pissed about the whole Karrueche thing but I'm kinda over it. I'm still fucking her up on sight.

"Ryan Maurice Brown I need you to get out them cookie for the millionth time sweetheart." I said picking him up.

"Mommy I want some." He pouts.

"Ryan you had like ten cookie already and it's not even noon." I said. He just looked at me. The look he gave me was so funny. "Baby I'm sorry, you can have a cookie whenever you take your nap." I said putting him down.

"Mommy I have to peeeee." Ryan said.

"Then go pee Ryan." I chuckled pointing to the bathroom. He ran in the bathroom holding his little member. I chuckled about to sit down until it was a knock on the door. "Dammit." I mumbled going to the door opening it. It was Bryson.

"Hey baby." He said giving me a hug right away.

"Hey, I missed you." I said hugging his neck.

"I missed you too baby girl, and my homies." He said letting me go and coming in the house. "Where they at?" He asked sitting down on the couch.

"Royalty in her room and Ryan is in the bathroom, speaking of Ryan lemme check on him." I said going to the backstairs bathroom where he was at. I opened the door and and he was washing his hands making a big mess.

"Ryan sweetie, we already talked about washing hands." I said turning the water off and getting a paper towel. "You call mommy to help you okay." I said wiping his hands. He nodded and took the fuck off. I turned the lights off behind me.

I come out the bathroom and see Ryan doing his famous flips. He tries to do a front flip, but he first bend over so his head is on the floor and just roll over frontwards. He's pretty adorable.

"Hey Bryson." He said running over towards him and jumping on his lap.

"Wassup Lil' homie." He smiled holding his hand out. Ryan returned the favor and slapped his hand for a high five.

"I eat this many cookies." Ryan said holding up all ten fingers.

"That's why his little ass so hyper." I said sitting down beside Bryson.

"I understand now. I just thought my guy was just lit." Bryson chuckled. He's so fucking sexy.

"Mommy." Royalty said coming from upstairs.

"What baby?" I asked she just rubbed her eyes the. Laid her head on my lap. "Baby you okay?" I asked.

"Yes." She bluntly spoke.

"What's wrong lil' homie?" Bryson asked.

"My head hurts." She whins. I felt her head.

"You do have a little fever." I said. "Go lay down and I'll be up there with an ice pack and some medicines okay." I said. She nods walking back upstairs.

"Bro, she is a fucking dorable." Bryson said.

"Thank you, but you're cussing in front of Ryan and he loves to repeat things." I said.

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