Chapter One

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"Jason, whose underwear is this?" Amanda asks looking at the Calvin Klein underwear under the bed with disgust.
"They're mine of course " Jason replies putting on his shoes.
"Well last time I checked you described Calvins as overpriced pieces of shit that you were never going to wear so excuse me if I don't believe you. I ask again , whose underwear is that." She looks at him squarely and folds her arms over her chest. "It is mine,I guess I just developed a strange liking for expensive things ". He fixes his gaze back on his shoe tying it's laces properly. "Well it didn't seem that way when I checked your underwear yesterday not a single Calvin was there"
"You did what?" He says as he finishes up with his shoes and gets up."I went through your underwear",
"why would you do that?"
"because I'm your wife I have every right to do that."
"You know what? You're delusional I don't have time for this " he says as he walks out of the room and slams the door behind him.

Amanda's POV
What is up with Jason he's not normally this way some thing is going on but I don't know what it is and I have to get to the bottom of things. I know that something is toying with his mind possibly even someone but what troubles me the most I the fact that i am not sure if this 'someone' is a woman or a man. 

Call me crazy,delusional, maybe I am, but I can't help but think about the possibility ;last week I found a lingerie on the sofa it was obviously used, like it didn't even have a price tag on it but he lied to me that he bought it for me and kept it on the sofa so I would see it, and now this, some thing doesn't feel right.

Okay so putting aside all the drama, let's take this from the start, I'm Amanda Coleman and as you know I'm married to Jason Coleman with a handsome six year old son Richard. I work at the new York branch of Princeton Technologies, it's a line of companies that provide high tech ultra speed computers, gadgets ,Global Positional Systems and lots more. My husband is the manager of the new York branch .On a normal day you would expect me to say that I'm the assistant manager or something but no, I'm the receptionist... sucks right ,I still wonder what has come over him really how does your husband manage a company that you work in and leave you as a receptionist even when there is a vacant assistant manager post, He says that I'm so breathtaking that he wants the first face people see when they come in to be mine.I don't even have words to describe how angry I get thinking about it but i just want him to be happy.

Jason's PoV
                I'm getting scared, Amanda is getting too inquisitive and suspicious, she just can't find out or I'm going to lose her and that cannot happen. I have to get her to trust me and stop asking so many damn questions. I just have to apologize.
            I walk back into the room ,she's lying on the bed looking up at the ceiling, "honey" she doesn't move, "baby" I walk to the bed and kneel down beside her "I'm really ,really sorry for talking to you that way and walking away,it's just that I had a very rough day so you questioning me got me tensed and angry so I kinda just got ticked off, "I'm truly sorry you just need to trust me okay?" , "okay",A faint smile spreads across her lips. 

Seeing her smile just takes me back to high school; I fell in love with that smile the first day I saw her. I met her in high school, I was the school's bad boy, the other guys' worst nightmare and the girls' sexiest dream ,my pick up lines were off the hook really all I needed was a wink ,pushing my hair back and a pick up line to have girls sprawled on my bed begging for me. Then I met her, blonde hair, violet eyes and baby pink lips, her beauty struck me especially that smile of hers but what intrigued me about her was that when I tried using a pickup line on her she slapped me and walked away and till today I have no idea how that simple act could turn me on. 

We started talking after that ,when I came at her with a casual approach and apologized, gradually we became a lot more than friends; it all leads up to this moment looking into her beautiful eyes, they looked so transparent and innocent I almost felt guilty that I was leaving her in the dark ,but she immediately snapped me out of it "why are you staring at me like that?" She smiles as she says it , I hadn't realized that I had been staring at her.

I just reach forward, take her face in my hands and kiss her slowly first, then more passionately I move lower and nibble on her neck ,moving lower I kiss her shoulder...the skin above her breast... "stop" it is more of a mumble than a command I want to continue but she tackles me and ends up on top of me "I said stop, I'm still mad at you"a mischievous grin spreads across her face she pokes the area just beneath my ribs and tickles my sensitive spot,I immediately burst into laughter I grab her waist and tickle the air out of her and soon we're both laughing on the floor gasping for air, I get up lift her up the floor, and take her to the bed ;then I pull her against me wrapping my arms firmly around her waist, she falls asleep in a few minutes, and as I watch her sleep I can't help but think "how do I tell her".

Please comment guys and tell me how you feel about the chapter 😙
I know this chapter isn't quite long,😁
So far what at your feelings about Jamanda💑Cute..or😮 confusing.

Love you all readers. 😘😘

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