Chapter Four

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Amanda's POV

I get home still thinking about Henry and I find myself smiling at the thought, even though i slept through half of it, this was the most fun i had had in days maybe even weeks. These days Jay and I had been arguing more than ever so i haven't really gotten a good laugh in a while

when I step into the house, as if on cue one little person runs towards me and wraps his hand tightly around my waist "mum!!",  "Richie, honey I've missed you so much how was your stay at aunt Maddie's ", "it was good mum plus I met this girl at the beach she said she didn't like me but I swear I could feel it, she totally did" ,I chuckle "sure she did buddy, come on who wouldn't"

      he giggles as I ruffle his blonde hair that was already dropping below his brows giving him a side bang this kid is going to be something 

"go and freshen up for dinner " I say motioning him to go upstairs. Then I turn to Jason who's looking at me like I killed someone, I decide to ignore him and start towards the kitchen "what was that about?" He says from behind me. "What ? I was talking to my son is anything wrong with that " I reply feigning a sad face                                                                                                                             "don't play dumb with me you know what I'm talking about"                                                                            "I don't want to talk about it"                                                                                                                              "Well I do, why would you react that way to Lissa?"

"Did you really just ask me that? I have worked my ass off for you for over six years now and what am I? Your receptionist but your "BFF" comes and suddenly she's the assistant manager and you expect me to receive her with open arms, you must not know me"

"Oh I know you, I know you're simply jealous and you can't stand to see anyone else as the assistant manager ,that's why you quit" ,"No ,I quit because of your stupid ultimatum " I yell back at him "well I didn't think you would take it but you did " he said in a surprisingly calm tone he brushes his hair back nervously and looks at me I just walk into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

     ♥                    ♥                 ♥
I set the table and place the pasta and grilled chicken on it before calling Richard to come down stairs. We all settle to eat but halfway through my food I look up to see Jason's food untouched, Richard is looking at him concerned probably wondering why he isn't eating, I just excuse myself from the table and go to the kitchen. I decide to make his best dessert for him to see if it helps just to make him happy so I prepare a key lime pie. As I cut a slice out of it to take it to him I hear a car's screeching sound so I look out the window to see Jason's car pulling out of the driveway,

driven with hurt and anger I slam the pie into the dustbin my eyes clouding with water and as I turn around to see Richie standing in front of the door ,I don't know if it's the tears in my eyes or if his eyes are actually wet but it is in this moment it dawns on me  that this war isn't just between the two of us, it is affecting Richard too and I won't want him to be in the middle of this, I look at him with sadness in my eyes expecting him to walk out but he moves towards me and wraps his hand around my waist, I bend over a little -because of our height difference - and hug him tightly sobbing on his shoulders, when I calm down, I draw back a little to  hold his shoulders and look into his eyes "it'll be okay I promise" he nods and flashes a small smile as if to say I believe you but that doesn't take the pain away

  I hug him briefly one more time before lifting him up to carry him to his room  "stop that mum I'm not a child anymore ", "okay Sir I'm sorry"

I smile and drop him then i dramatically raise my hands to surrender he just laughs, rolls his eyes and starts towards the door "can I at least tuck you in? ", "don't worry about it mum " with that he goes to his room.

After cleaning up the table I go up to my room and freshen up for bed then I pick the phone and dial maddie's home number
'Madison Davis on the line '
'hey maddie it's Mandy'
'Mandy munchkin you haven't called since you dropped Richie over for the holidays'
'I know and I'm very sorry I have just been very busy'
'There's something up isn't there, i can hear it in your voice '
'Yeah there is , Jason's been acting up lately, it started with the strange underwear, now  his long lost BFF come to town today and guess what, she's the assistant manager '
'oh no he didn't '
'Exactly, then he comes home and wants to rant about it then walks out during dinner ' ,

Maddie has been like a sister to me ever since what happened between my real sister and I, we've been best friends since we were four , she's been there through every setback and every celebration so I can trust her with virtually everything because I don't think there's anything about me that she doesn't know.

'Have you told D about it'
'No, you know how he is when it comes to Jay, he hates him so much he can't stand it when we mention his name more or less talk about him .'
'Yeah ,yeah, but you gotta let him in on this he's a guy and he might be able to relate to him better than we can being that they're guys and all  '
'Even if we tell him you know D is never going to talk to Jason'
'Doesn't hurt to try does it '
'Okay okay I'll try'
'Goodbye darling gotta go catch some sleep'
'OK bye ' I say just before I hear the phone beep.
I dial Jason's number ,my hand is on the dial button but I'm still thinking about it I linger on the thought for some time 

give him some space

then I erase the number and throw myself on the bed.
I turn on the tv , scrolling through the channels ... boring... bleh... yes I tune in to studio universal for a movie from the shark wheek collection, the three headed shark it sounds bloody enough because obviously I'm not in the mood for sappy romance and we both know why.
It turns out it's actually interesting and the way it ends is so funny the shark's heads turned against each other and it  started biting itself,
so much for a shark with three heads you'd think it has so much sense  .

My eyes start feeling cloudy, I lie down on my left side which I'm not very comfortable on because I'm so worried, when I can't take it anymore I roll over to my right and my eye catches the digital clock... 1:27 am, i drift off with only one thought ...where could he be?


Oh Jason come on where are you?
Can you guys make a guess as to where he is? Feel free to make it as wide and imaginative as can be .
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Love y'all. 💟

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