Chapter Six

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Amanda's POV

      After having my bath and freshening up I go downstairs to get a glass of's like an evening ritual for me. As I pull the milk out of the fridge the door bell rings, I open it to see Jason at the door no sign of Drake. "hey" he places a kiss on each of my cheeks before hugging me, when he pulls back I give him a tight smile "hi" trying to look everywhere for D ,I turn towards the kitchen then I hear an all too familiar voice from behind me "leaving without so much as a hug pumpkin ,Ohh you break my heart " he says it feigning a British accent while over exaggerating the heart part with his right hand clenched on his chest.

He never stops being dramatic.

I roll my eyes before turning to him, a grin spread across my face. "Come here pumpkin" I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his waist while his circle around my neck before he plants a kiss on each of my cheeks. "I really missed you mandykins" ,"missed you too D "I kiss his cheek before dragging him into the kitchen. Once we're inside I look at him grinning excitedly anticipating his narration of his trip to Florence , I have always wanted to go there because of their reputation in the arts and because it is the home town of the famous Dante Alighieri.

       "I know what you're waiting for, but now's not the time we'll talk about it later,right now we need to talk about what's going on between you and that cunt in the living room " I sigh in relief at the word cunt because I was beginning to worry about Jase and Drake's sudden friendship ,I roll my eyes
"Nothing is going on" in an attempt to distract myself from a  conversation I dont want to be having , I reach for the fridge to bring out the jug of milk as he rants about how Jase has been following him around like a stalker begging for him to help talk to me and make things right,I get a mug "you want milk?" I hold a mug to him
"stop trying to change the subject" ,
"I don't wanna talk about it "
"You have to or he's not going to leave me alone anytime soon"
"Okay, okay, what do you want me to say"
"Say you'll forgive him "
"I am not holding anything against him, he's the one who walked out halfway through dinner right after arguing with me over his slutty best friend who wears fishnets for a shirt and gets me fired well actually I quit but does it really matter?because she's the stranger who thinks she can come into my life and take my husband and my job but she's wrong cause I won't let her do it and... oh my goodness am i talking too much " it rapidly spills out of my mouth before I can stop it, it happens sometimes, so I take a long chug out of the mug.
"Don't worry I've heard longer but woah .hold up ,hold up if I'm getting this straight did you say you got fired"
"I didnt ,I actually quit"
"Either way you're jobless now"
"Don't put it that way" I roll my eyes and take a sip out of the mug.
"Okay but who's this best friend chick "
"I don't know but something about her feels familiar ,I don't know what it is but, whatever"
"I would talk to him about it but, well, you know"
"Remind me why don't you guys get along " he looks at me for some time biting his lower lip as he thinks about it, then he shakes his head
"Honestly I don't remember but where is little D"
richard's middle name is Davis so Drake calls him little D
"You know maybe it's time for a general reconciliation" I reach into the fridge and bring out two beers "here" I hand them over to him "oh my whatever will I do with two bottles" ,
"Oh nothing just stand there and be dramatic Mr.Histrionic" I roll my eyes and walk into the living room where Jason is sitting on the couch, in front of him is Wayne Rooney passing a ball to someone I do not know, Ohh football, I hate it.

I fall beside him onto the couch while Drake comes in and sits beside me right after he gives one beer to Jase earning a look of surprise which I smile at. I change what we're watching to 'the mentalist' then I lay my head on Drake's lap and my legs on Jason's.

After a few minutes I look at Jase and he seems very moody ,Drake glances at him then bends down and whispers "I think someone's jealous cause you gave him the foot" I look at him before we simultaneously burst into a fit of laughter .Jason just looks confused ,although the confused look on his face almost made me burst into laughter again.

"what are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing", we reply in unison.

He just shakes his head "I will never understand you two"

I smile at his statement, sit up and give him a passionate kiss. Smiling , he looks into my eyes, "I really am sorry" he says before pulling me into a warm hug.


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