Chapter Five

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Sorry for wasting so much time to update...been quite busy lately.


I wake up still wondering where he is. I freshen up and go downstairs to make breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup with orange drink. After breakfast, Richard leaves for school in the school bus and I leave for work in my car.

I don't realize the rashness  of what i did yesterday until I enter the office to see a lady in a blue shirt that had ruffles in the front with wavy brown hair sitting behind my desk, because only then did the sick realization hit me...

I quit

The most painful part was probably the fact that it had barely been 24 hours since I quit and there was already a replacement it was almost like someone was anticipating my leave.

That was fast

I walk over to her "what are you doing here? " I ask making sure my voice reflects a certain level of authority I almost sounded like the boss."I-i am the new secretary here ma'am"
"Who hired you? "        
"Miss Lissa ,ma'am"

 I hate the word ma'am, it makes me feels so old like can a woman not be stratified based on marital status , i'm only 24 goddamit,

 I didn't say anything though I just started  towards  the glass door which has ASSISTANT MANAGER  boldly imprinted in white on it  I barge in and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me,

he was on top of her  on the couch at the corner of the office ,her body arched up against his pressing their chests together he licks her necks before nibbling on it and moves down to the top of her breasts kissing and nibbling, as she let a moan escape from her lips I make a very inhumane sound kind of like a grunt mixed with a snort and a cackle she suddenly pushes him off her at the sound, and he lands on the floor ,she just glares at me "leave now " I'm not sure who it's directed at between him and I but he quickly puts on  his clothes and bolts like a scared puppy, that's when I realize what he is.

She gets up, puts on her shirt and moves to her seat
"I see you're putting the furniture to good use "
"What do you want" her voice swelling with anger

"A hooker really, are you that  hungry or isn't Jason enough food for you? "

"Get over yourself Blondie I don't have time for your trash talk now get straight to the point "

"I just want to make it clear to you that you do not run this firm so you can't go around hiring people and you can't also be turning my husband against me , i just need you to stay out of my life and my husband's, if we're clear on that then I can get going. "

"actually I can hire and fire as I please and technically you're the one who doesn't have a say in this business, you don't work here remember. FYI I have known Jay longer than you have if there's anyone that should stay away it's you."

I walk towards the door feeling her gaze on me I can virtually feel her anger from here am,I open the door and as I'm about to leave she says from behind.

"For what it's worth I'm not sleeping with him, but I do feel sorry for you "

With that I slammed the door as hard as I could even though it made no sense cause it would simply swing back .

Swinging glass doors suck when you're trying to make a badass exit.


I drive straight home and I can't help but think about what she said as I sit on the couch trying to read Dan Brown's 'Deception Point' ,my phone vibrates on the glass table so I put the book down and check my inbox

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