Chapter Fourteen

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I look before the mirror. The tingling in my chest won't leave, unease. I'm a caged bird. I have about five minutes till my "babysitter" shall be here. Mother has already left, to this I'm glad. The house is quiet, calm, peaceful. It's everything I could ask. But the appearance nor the feeling I have when inside, shall relinquish the prison. The bars rise before me. 

Carefully I pull my hair back. Ponytail high, I step back. My eyes trail from my leggings to my tank top. I am ready. With a breath, I step outside. Giving one last glance, at the living room mirror, I run. I do not run towards anywhere specific. As I round the corner, I take in the prisons. Each has potential but only freedom takes residence. Anything would be worth a house of freedom. Gentle at first, the wind strengthens. The forest is so close I can almost touch it. 

The trees stretch towards the sky. Swaying with the wind, a blur of greens. It's beauty lures me forward. Jogging, I enter. Dim light shines through the canopy. The chilly breeze pushes me onward. Lungs burning, I continue. Taking a joy from the pain. Beads of sweat, fall across my face. The first time I've felt alive in weeks. Always have I been a dull version of myself. Hiding the bits and pieces that affect me most to conserve others thoughts of me. 

Breathing heavily I come to a pause. Tears intermingle with the sweat. Waves of emotion crash onto me. But against everything, I'm smiling. Had none of this happened, I wouldn't of learned the truth. My best friend, though I'm not sure she's that anymore, isn't who I love. I was in love with the idea. Of course not all of it was fictional. There was a truth. But now, when I needed her most, she has turned her back on me.

Panting filled the air. Carefully, I sat on the ground. To another I'd appear insane. For there I am, sitting cross legged, wind blowing my hair wild, tears streaming, sweat trailing, panting, but with a smile on my face. Nothing made sense. I could already hear my mother's voice, a lecture I did not want to hear. Desperation crawled through me. School wouldn't be over for a while now. There was one thing that could save me. Throughout the kaos, a thought had slipped from mine, and others minds, my birthday. In two days time I'd be eighteen, freedom upon me at last. 

I had a job, though I may not mention it. My secret. I have more than enough to move out and rent a place here. Millions of thoughts and ideas streamed through my head. A calmness finally spread through me. The waves were tamed, for now.

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