Sexiness Of Halloween

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Switchy: Hey kittens! Happy Halloween!

Ben: WELCOME BACK TO HELL! >:D MWHAHAHAHAHAAAAA*eats candy and smokes weed*

Sally: MEOW! *In cat costume*

Toby: You'll be seeing ME out there!

Switchy: ..... Ok..... Sorry about the delay buuuuut SOME PEOPLE just disappeared and rarely answers..... Jeff >:(

Jeff: *Pokerface* I have a life.... unlike certain CP's....

Switchy: *Glares* Whateves. Lets get on with te Q's shall we..... O-O ..... Ummmm....

Sally: *Looks over them* Why are they sooooooooooooo long?

Switchy: No. Idea. Ok, maybe you fans should just stick to a good one sentence question.... instead of multiple ten paragraph essay plz.... I'm not a teacher XD Oh and Carmel_Candy decided to tell you guys her ratings,

ANYWAYS! Ben, babe, it goes like this: Masky(My eternal love), BEN ( Mmm! Boy your too fine! *snaps her fingers sassily* ) Eyeless Jack (Gotta love those quiet types!), Then the fanta-bulous You (Jeffy you give me sweet dreams!), then Hoodie (A little over obsessive about that hoodie of yours, huh?) Oh by the way Jane! *Snaps like a diva* Girl your way too pretty to be angry ALL the time! I know Jeff is an ass hat for killing your family! So I don't hate you like the CRAY CRAY Jeff fangirls :3 *Whispers* It's partially why he's fourth... *Huggles to my lovlies* Kay! That's all :3

Masky: *Blushes a little*

Ben: *Chuckles* Gurrrrl, I know I am *Winks* Im into a little fun when your done with that loser Masky;)

Jeff: Im confused.... Your a JTK fan.... but you like IT??

Jean: *Glares at Jeff* Well... *Sighs* I know. I can't help it though! Replace yourself in my position... I have rare fans like you who actually like me, and I only get hate because of Jeff and I's past relationship.... ;-:

Jeff: *Smirks* I know you enjoyed me.

Jane: *Stands up dramatically and points to him* See what I have to deal with?!

Clock: She has a point Jeff....

Jeff: Pfffffff, I'll stop being an ass if Ben lays off the pot for good.

Ben: *Coughs and looks up* Wha...

Sally: RAW_IS_ME says,

Questions... 1: ok Jeff... What the fuck actually happened with you and jane I don't get it... I've read the CP and it doesn't make any sense!!!Jane you are being a bitch about this! He does that to a lot of people... So yeah...(BTW Jeff, you are my favorite pasta, then Switchy, then BEN, then Clock, Slender and then Toby...) 2: Eyeless jack... Why do you eat organs and what is your story?3:Slendy... How did you come into being? (BTW, Jane, you are F***** in the brain... Has anyone told you that, and you are my most hated Pasta! Give up!

Jeff: *Chuckles* It's too complicated *Winks*

Jane: *Laughs bitterly* Well, I hate you too bitch. *Dies a little inside*

Jeff: *Slaps Jane* Sorry Raw. Sooo.... Where do you live?


Miss P: I don't think they'll let you know.... if that person is smart....

Ben: *Glares* Oh, so I'm third?

Jeff: Hehe..... IM SEXY!

Ben: I want. To see the results in our contest.... Now.

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