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"It's you." Gerard breathes out, almost in relief, as he sees the young boy.

"Yes? Is there anything you need." The boy says, "I don't really know why, but I had a strange urge to come and check on you."

Gerard chuckles looking back at the mirror smiling widely at it. He can't help but feel proud that something might actually go his way for once.

Usually things fall apart or crumble before they even happen for him.

"No, I don't really need anything..." Gerard said and started to trail off. "But I do, need to ask you something."

Frank nodded in a simple gesture as to tell him to continue, but Gerard was slightly scared, he was afraid to ask Frank. What if he said no, what if he didn't believe Gerard. Could Frank stand in front of the mirror and see for himself, or would Franks soulmate be someone different.

Is that possible, would the mirror create love triangles just to screw with peoples hearts?

I doubt it.

But who knows, the mirror knows all and he isnt going to question its motives after its helped him so far.

"Well, uhm, actually, I want you to come here, and stand in front of this mirror."

The boy looked startled, "No, Thats for royalty, which is obvious im not."

"No, but you will be." Gerard tells him, looking up at him from the floor.

Frank doesn't know what that means, but he takes shaky, unsure steps towards the mirror. He stands in front of it, watching in awe as the mirror changes color, Gerard steps away from the mirror and stands behind the boy, watching the mirror change, but won't be able to see what the boy will be able to see.

The boy suddenly gasps and whips around to face Gerard, as Gerard peers over the boys shoulder to look at the mirror, the two words that were scrambled before seem to be rearranging themselves into new words.

Frank Iero

The boy turns around to see what Gerard is looking at.

"My name?" The boy says looking at Gerards face for some sort of answer.

"It's you." Gerard says.

Looking back at the boy, now known as Frank, he breathes in, feeling his forehead with the back of his hand, to make sure he is still feeling well.

"I don't understand, when I looked in the mirror I saw you and then I saw my name and you keep saying "its you" and i want to understand, because i feel this strange urge to kiss you right now and I wont stop rambling-" Frank rambles, but Gerard has put his finger on Franks lips, silencing him from continuing.

"Do you really mean that?" Gerard asks, "That you want to kiss me?"

"Yes." Frank whispers, and leans in slightly, but then backs away, "But I want to know what all this means."

"Okay, seems fair. Well yesterday, I came in here to find out about my soulmate, I looked in that mirror and saw a boy, instead of a girl and my mother got angry and smashed the mirror, then i stupid ran my hand across it and cut myself on the glass, hence the blood on the mirror, but somehow my blood triggered the mirror to give me more of a hint, and it gave me your name scrabbled up and I literally spent hours trying to find the right combo, but I couldn't. Then I came here today and the mirror told me that it would get you, and it did, it brought you here, and then I made you look in the mirror and you saw me, and then your name unscrambled and now I feel complete and now I have the urge to kiss you." Gerard explained.

"Please do." Frank whispers.

Gerars complys by leaning halfway in, while Frank leans in as well and soon their lips meet in the middle.

The mirror swells with pride as her work, is pretty much done now, she shuts down for the day to give them privacy, but will make sure everything stays on track with them and that they stay together. It is absolutely key, to make sure they stay together, if they don't they will fall into a deep depression and that won't do either boy any good.

Both boys continue to kiss, like they are each others lifeline, like each others lips and breath os keeping them alive, keeping them to hold on to each other tightly.

Gerard has one hand gently cupping one of Franks soft cheeks, while the other one is on the back of his neck, meanwhile Franks are gripping Gerards hips, both moving there lips in sync, with soft and slow movements and gently swipes and grazes of tongues, it was definitely not a rushed or urgent or a harsh kiss.

Soon both of the boys needed to refill there lungs with air, reluctantly pulling away from each other.

(Strangely enough Destroya just came on lol XD)

Resting there foreheads against each other and staring into each others eyes, completely unaware of the world around them. They couldn't truly of cared less in the moment that they are in at the moment.

Frank's eyes were a breathtaking vibrant green and hazel mixture with flecks of gold swirling around to make his eyes look crazily amazing when you look closely. Not that Gerard would want anyone else this close to his Frank.

The person who cleared their throught, literally made both of the young boys to jump about ten feet into the air and jump apart, even though, the personhas already seen everything and decided that they were okay with it, due to the mirror persistent persuasive manner towards the boys.

She shipped it.

They both look who startled them and see probably the last person they wanted to see during or after a moment like this.

The King.

Gerards father.

Franks boss.

Frank goes to bow at the but Gerard stops him, and pulls the small boy closer to him, and wraps an arm protectively around his waist, not daring to let go, until his father leaves or proves he isn't a threat.

"Hello son, the mirror told me where I could find you." He says, Gerard turns and scowls at the mirror, she turns red before turning back to her clear glass state. "I didn't want to believe that you have found your soul mate so quickly, but I am glad, although your mother doesn't approve, I'm sure she will turn around soon enough. You have my blessing and permission."

"Frank, as for you, you will be sharing a room with Gerard for now or a have a room to your self that is a joint room with Gerards, either way I don't care."

"Uhm, a joint room please, I don't want my stuff to take up Gerards room."

Even though he has been in Gerards room countless times and has seen how massive it is, he would still like his own personal space, if theu ever got into a fight or it was to awkward.

The king nods and then leaves the two alone.


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