temper temper.

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Vic fucking Fuentes was sitting across from me at the small coffee shop near our school. I had a free period after lunch, and Vic was apparently comfortable with skipping school. Not like I expected anything less; bad boys don’t give a fuck, am I right?

(Hint hint: Of fucking course I am.)

He drove us to my favorite coffee shop that was ten minutes from the school. In the car, my hand was clinging for dear life on the handle and it took a ton of effort to not scream every time he cut a corner or sped up on a yellow light. I don’t think he noticed until he had to coax my shaky body out of the car and into the shop.

I always walk (driving is too risky) here after the day is done, and work on homework over lemon bars or snickerdoodles or hot chocolate with extra whipped cream.

Kailey and I used to come here together and buy baked goods for our parents and brothers every Friday after school. I don’t do that anymore; too much pain.

He took a bite out of a roll, wiping the crumbs off his hands, and I saw them commit suicide off his fingers.

I wouldn’t blame them.

I was sipping my soda when he suggested we play 20 Questions.

“Favorite color?” he asked.

“Yellow,” I smiled. “Play an instrument?”

“God, too many to count. I enjoy the guitar the most.”

“Oh, cool,” I said, not too into the conversation.

“Have a girlfriend?”

“Nope,” I took another drink.

“Have a boyfriend?”

I choked on my drink.

“No!” I struggled through my coughs. I feel like if he knew I preferred dick to vagina, he wouldn’t want to be friends anymore.

“Dude, it’s fine if you like guys,” he said, chuckling at my gasps. “I mean, I like guys.”

I choked again.

“Oh!” I continued to cough, wiping my mouth rapidly with a crumpled napkin from the dispenser on the side of the table.

Vic leaned over, rubbing circles on my back, lightly patting it as if that would help.

(Okay, well it kind of helped, but I’m just an asshole.)

“You okay?” he asked, actually looking concerned. I wonder if it was fake.

“Yeah, yeah. Just… shocked.”

He snickered, “it’s fine.”

“Yeah. Uh, my turn?” I asked, tossing the napkin to the table. He nodded. “Favorite movie?”

“Wayne’s World,” we both laughed. “Have any siblings.”


I looked up at him, and he had a small smile.

That smile of ignorance.

That smile of unknowing.

That smile of oblivion.

Oh, how it hurts to break the news.

“Well, I have two brothers but they live with my mom. And I also have a sister…”

“Oh cool, what grade is she?”

“She would have been a sophomore.”

“Would have?”

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