we don't talk about the past.

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“No, seriously, Kellin. It’ll be fun!” Bella said, her and Gabe grabbing my wrists and dragging me outside against my will.

“No, no, guys. Seriously, can we not?”

“C’mon, Kellins, it’ll be fun!” Gabe said.

They ignored my reluctance, and continued to drag me to the sketchy part of town. Bella and Gabe were the kind of couple to explore random shit they shouldn’t get me involved in. Such as, wanting to go to a clairvoyant… and bringing me along with them.

We had only gotten out of school, when Bella jumped on my back (almost giving me a heart attack) and made me bring her to Gabe’s car. It was then that they shoved me in the backseat and, drove us to this neighborhood; I was supposed to be hanging out with Vic, but they basically kidnapped me.

“You haven’t hung out with us in forever, Kellin!” Bella said, opening the shop door and dragging me in. Gabe followed behind us, “It’ll be fun.”

They forced me to the desk, when I felt my phone vibrate. Fuck, it was probably Vic.

“Hello, welcome! My name’s Nikki, nice to meet you all,” a blonde woman said, walking out from the back to the other side of the desk. "Bella, Gabe, Kellin," she smiled, and all of our jaws dropped, even just the tiniest bit.

"H-how?" I whispered, looking at my hands.

"I know all of the name of everyone who walks in my shop, silly Kellin. And I can sense that you're in a bit of a rush, huh? Why don't you go first? It won't take any longer than thirty minutes, sweetie. C'mon follow me, you lovebirds can just sit on the sofa over there."

I stared at them as they sat and shooed me away with their hands. What the fuck? What if I don't want to go with this lunatic?

"Don't be scared. Trust me," she smiled, and for some strange reason, I felt like I was obligated to. Like I was... drawn to her or some shit. Fuck, what's even going on?

She led me to a section in the back, cut off by silky curtains with sporadic patterns. She pulled it back and had me sit on a chair while she pulled a small table in front of me, and a chair on the other side.

"So, Kellin, the first thing we're gonna do is establish a connection. It won't take much, but you need to be at least half-convinced I'm not a fluke. Yes, I know you're all scared, but no reason to be. Do I look like a murderer to you?"

"Sounds like something a murderer would say," I muttered under my breath.

She rolled her eyes, "typical smart-ass response."

"Excuse you! I'm not a smart-ass!"

"Sure you're not. And I'm not a girl. Now, give me your hand."


I placed it in her's cautiously, still not over her calling me a smart-ass. She lifted my hand to her face, kissing each of my fingers.


She then let go of it, and started me down.


"Ow!" I felt a pinch on my arm, and I pulled it to my chest.

She smirked, "Sound."

And, finally, she reached behind her, and sprayed a bottle of some sort of mist onto my forearm. She inhaled deeply, and on her exhale she said, "Smell."

Oh, the five senses. Wow, I'm so stupid.

"Okay, now the last step on connection, I need you to close your eyes and stay as still as possible. I'm going to draw some of your energy out of you."

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