A laurmau fanfic. Garroth loves Aphmau and so does Laurence. She finds the boy she wants to be with and be with forever. Garroth may loose her, will he fight for unwanted love. And will Laurence or Garroth find out a secret of aphmau's.
Laurence's POV I'm so happy that I'm dating the girl of my dreams, I've always liked Aphmau and now she's my girlfriend. I know my brother from another mother Garroth will be upset but I love her so much more and would do anything for her. I just don't know I love her more than myself. Aphs POV I've always had a thing for Laurence and now that we're dating it's so much more I love him a lot and always will. I walk to the guard tower to see Laurence and I see Garroth on the way there. " Save it I don't want to hear it." I say annoyed of his acts lately. " Oh come on Aphmau I'm the stuff, I'm so much better than your crush." He says unaware of me and Laurence. I see Laurence when I look up and I give him a look and he nods and comes down. I smirk. Laurence's POV I nod and go down. I see her ahead and put my arm around her. " I don't know Garroth Laurence's seems SO much better than you, and I may add he's adorable." Aph says to him and he's in shock. " Aph- Laur. HOW?" He says confused. " Now leave my girlfriend alone and stop flirting with her. Gar-gar." I smirk. He gives me a look and growls quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. " Run along now." I slightly growl back. He runs off and I look at Aph. " So why did you come over here?" I say walking into the guard tower with her. " HEY a girl can't just see her boyfriend at work time to time." She looks away from me. " Oh cmon Aph I was joking, I love you." I say to her. "Fine I accept your apology but on one condition." She smirks. Cute. " and what would that be Lady Aphmeow." I smirk back. " You have to kiss me." She smiles. " Pph Wow that's easy. I thought this was supposed to be a punishment." I smirk and kiss her. She kisses back and we have our little moment. " Sorry to interrupt but Laurence can I speak with you." Katelyn says looking at us. We blush," Sure sorry Katelyn." I say. She walks out and I follow," I'll be right back." I give Aph a peck on the lips. She smiles and I go down. Aphs POV I wonder what Katelyn wants with MY boyfriend." I think getting jealous. I go to the guard window and look over to them. Laurence's POV " What do you want?" I say a little annoyed. " Ugh whatever, Are you and Aph you know a thing." She asks. " Yea why?" I ask. " Just wanted to know, btw you hurt her, I WILL BREAK YOU." She says threating. " Y-yes ma'am." I say putting my hands up for surrender and a little terrified. Aphs POV Katelyn pleased don't confess please don't. I think with jealously. If she kisses him I SWEAR- no Aph she wouldn't she's you friend. I think. I see Laurence put his arms up in surrender and she didn't do anything. Thank you. I sit back on the other window and wait for Laurence. He came back up. Laurence's POV "Hey princess." I say looking at Aph. " hehe hi prince." She giggles. I smile at her and she smiles back. I sit on the window ledge next to her and put my arm around her. She lays her head on my shoulder and I lay mine on hers. " I " love you Aphmau." I smile at her. " I love you too Laurence." She kisses my cheek. " You know I have to go soon." Her smile fades. " What why." I ask in confusion. " L-Laurence I have to go do the thing." She says giving me hints. Duh Laurence the ritual I forgot shes a shadow night too. " Oh right. Can I come with you?" I ask. " Yea but you can't do it." She says. What why. " why?" I say not remembering. She rolls her eyes," If male." Whispers" shadows." Do it they can die males are only supposed to do it every week." She says. " Oh yea I forgot." I smile. She giggles. " Well my shifts done so can I at least come with you." I ask. She nods and we go. As we pass the fountain and we see Garroth heading to the guard tower. "Grrrrrr." I growl at him. He growls back and walks off. " It's ok Laurence I love you and only you." Aphmau say to me which makes me smile. " Good boy." She laughs because I was growling like a dog. " HEY!" I say. She giggles and we see the woods. We head in cause we're not scared and transform. I see her.
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My shadow Aph. I mean I know she looks even but she looks cute as well. I just don't like the evil red eyes that replaced her beautiful hazel ones. But the bow at least looks cute. I know that female shadow knights don't look like that she styled hers up, typical Aph. She sits on the floor concentrating on what she's doing. I smile, my girlfriend. My shadow knight girlfriend. I smile.