The call,the man,the unknown

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Aphs POV
I wake up and I look over to see Laurence sleeping, I smile and bring myself closer to him. Automatically he grips me tighter in his sleep,I giggle softly and kiss his cheek. "I love you so much,I would do anything for you." I whisper and fall back asleep.
3 hours later.
I wake up again and Laurence is sill asleep,Irene knows how but I got out of his strong grip to make breakfast. I get downstairs and I decide to make French toast with some fresh fruit. After I finished I walk upstairs to see Laurence pacing back and forth around the room. "Laurence? What's wrong?" I ask. He turns around and hugs me tightly. "I thought you were gone." He released a breath of air. " oh I'm sorry I just went downstairs because I wanted to make you breakfast." I say. He runs downstairs and almost falls,as I giggle at him. He grabbed two plates.
Laurence's POV
I grabbed two plates. I gave one to Aphmau but she took both. "Sit." She demanded playfully. I put my hands in the air and sit at the table. She gave me some and herself and we ate. I got a call on my phone, I walked into our room and answered it,confused.
U-Unknown L-Laurence
U-lets make this quick, I'm someone you should know and I demand you to go to guard training for 4 years.
L-w-what! Who in the name of Irene are you?!
U-That's not important.
L-you are going to tell me who you are or I'm calling the police.
U-hahahahaha fine,I'm the shawdow lord,Laurence.
L-gasp why are you calling me then. Why couldn't you just talk to Aphmau.
U-Because if she knew she'd never tell you,and that would be terrible.
U- annoyed groan because I can tell the future and there is going going to be a man dark hair and eyes,likes the color red,loves nobody,but he's going to play Aphmau.
(Obvious yet?)
L-wait what!
U-yes and my daughter loves you so I don't want her with someone she doesn't love. Laurence listen to me, you NEED to go to guard training. I know I know your the best guard here but that man he's stronger,and whitty. Laurence you're going because he's going to fight with you and I don't want you to get hurt,you're like a son to me. Please do this for me and Aphmau.
I think for a moment and I decide.
L-Fine. I'll do it but if you're messing-
U-I'm not.
L- ok then I'll do it,when do I leave and when is he coming here.
U- you leave in 3 days and he's coming in 4 in a half years so I need you to go soon.
L-alright bye
U-goodbye Laurence. Don't let Aph down,don't let her leave you,don't let him have her.
Call ended.
The words just kept going through my head, don't let Aph down,don't let her leave you,don't let him have her. The last words he said made me feel something I haven't felt in awhile,what was it. Rage. I was angry and terrified about me losing Aphmau,I love her more than life and I don't want her to be taken. A few minutes go by when Aph comes upstairs. "What happen?"Aphmau asks. I give a sigh,this will be hard.

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