Laurence's POV
I'm finished packing and aphmau's been in her room all day,I don't know what's up with her. I get really suspicious when I hear and small Yelp noise,which freaks me out. I go up to her room and hear muffled groans and cries coming in from inside. "(Aching noise) n-no I have to........" Aphmau's voice grows quieter. I get really nervous and I don't know ht she has in their. It scares me. "(Groan and pant) i-I'm s-sorry..." Is all I heard. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke the door down and saw a puddle of red and Aphmau gasps. I look at her,wide eyed about to cry, "W-why?" Is all I said. "I'm sorry Laurence." Aphmau says tears coming down from her already puffy eyes and tear stained face. I hug her and she hugs back getting blood on my shirt. I see the knife behind her, bloody, I cry softly. She was trying to kill herself. "Aphmau.... Why?" I cry pulling away." You're leaving me! I can't Live without you Laurence! What if you die or something,what will I do then?! " she yells crying even more. All I can do is cry. I'm.....we're broken. "Aphmau I'm doing it for you. I can't let anything happen to you and to see what I caught you doing hurts me. It hurts my heart everything I've ever loved and lost is nothing compared to this. You could've died. I would've killed myself in a heartbeat." I feel my eyes go puffy. She looks down and cries. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Laurence ,chokes on her words from crying, I didn't know what to do I didn't want to be alone here and I don't want anyone else but you." She cries. "Aphmau never do this again..... Promise me." I say to her stopping myself from crying. "I promise." She says calming herself down. I nod and grab the knife behind her, she's looking at me confused. I go outside and she follows me slowly, I light a fire in the fire pit we have and burn the stupid knife. I hear a loud gulp come from Aphmau.
Aphmau's POV
He turns to me ,not crying anymore, but seems upset. "I won't ever do it again." I say looking down to my still bleeding forever scars. Laurence nods and walks into the bathroom,grabbing bandages,he wraps them around my wrist. He wouldn't talk to me or anything but I understand,I wouldn't talk to me either. I cried almost all night but I didn't sleep with Laurence,I slept on the couch feeling terrible.
3 hours later
It's about 1:23 and I'm still not asleep I just keep crying. Like 2 minutes later I hear footsteps. I look up and see Laurence looking at me,with puffy eyes. I gulp and sniffle making a loud noise come out of my mouth. "D-don't cry. " Laurence stutters. I bite my lip trying to stop myself. He comes all the way down and walks over to me.
Laurence's POV
I couldn't take it anymore,I was mad at first but I hate it. I walk over to her and she has a a tear stained face,red eyes,puffy eyes,and her hairs a mess. I hug her and she hugs me back."l-Laurence I-I'm s-s-sorry." She manages to get out choking on her words. "I am too." I say. She pulls away,"i thought you were mad and you weren't going to talk to me." She cries out. "I was mad. But I hate seeing and hearing you cry it's the worst thing to me. You know that. I can't be like that to you, I love you so much Aphmau and just know I'm doing this for you because I don't want someone coming and hurting you." I sniffle. She nods," I love you too Laurence." And leans in. I lean back and soon our lips meet. The kiss was slower than usual but it was nice. I pull away and pick her up. She look and me its tired eyes. I take her to the room and lay her down along with myself. I turn to her and she looks happier. "Go to sleep Princess." I smile and kiss her forehead,putting ,putting my arms around her keeping her close.

Your not the only one. A Laurmau fanfic
ФанфикA laurmau fanfic. Garroth loves Aphmau and so does Laurence. She finds the boy she wants to be with and be with forever. Garroth may loose her, will he fight for unwanted love. And will Laurence or Garroth find out a secret of aphmau's. ENJOY❤️