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Laurence's POV
I'm finished packing and aphmau's been in her room all day,I don't know what's up with her. I get really suspicious when I hear and small Yelp noise,which freaks me out. I go up to her room and hear muffled groans and cries coming in from inside. "(Aching noise) n-no I have to........" Aphmau's voice grows quieter. I get really nervous and I don't know ht she has in their. It scares me. "(Groan and pant) i-I'm s-sorry..." Is all I heard. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke the door down and saw a puddle of red and Aphmau gasps. I look at her,wide eyed about to cry, "W-why?" Is all I said. "I'm sorry Laurence." Aphmau says tears coming down from her already puffy eyes and tear stained face. I hug her and she hugs back getting blood on my shirt. I see the knife behind her, bloody, I cry softly. She was trying to kill herself. "Aphmau.... Why?" I cry pulling away." You're leaving me! I can't Live without you Laurence! What if you die or something,what will I do then?! " she yells crying even more. All I can do is cry. I'm.....we're broken. "Aphmau I'm doing it for you. I can't let anything happen to you and to see what I caught you doing hurts me. It hurts my heart everything I've ever loved and lost is nothing compared to this. You could've died. I would've killed myself in a heartbeat." I feel my eyes go puffy. She looks down and cries. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Laurence ,chokes on her words from crying, I didn't know what to do I didn't want to be alone here and I don't want anyone else but you." She cries. "Aphmau never do this again..... Promise me." I say to her stopping myself from crying. "I promise." She says calming herself down. I nod and grab the knife behind her, she's looking at me confused. I go outside and she follows me slowly, I light a fire in the fire pit we have and burn the stupid knife. I hear a loud gulp come from Aphmau.
Aphmau's POV
He turns to me ,not crying anymore, but seems upset. "I won't ever do it again." I say looking down to my still bleeding forever scars. Laurence nods and walks into the bathroom,grabbing bandages,he wraps them around my wrist. He wouldn't talk to me or anything but I understand,I wouldn't talk to me either. I cried almost all night but I didn't sleep with Laurence,I slept on the couch feeling terrible.
3 hours later
It's about 1:23 and I'm still not asleep I just keep crying. Like 2 minutes later I hear footsteps. I look up and see Laurence looking at me,with puffy eyes. I gulp and sniffle making a loud noise come out of my mouth. "D-don't cry. " Laurence stutters. I bite my lip trying to stop myself. He comes all the way down and walks over to me.
Laurence's POV
I couldn't take it anymore,I was mad at first but I hate it. I walk over to her and she has a a tear stained face,red eyes,puffy eyes,and her hairs a mess. I hug her and she hugs me back."l-Laurence I-I'm s-s-sorry." She manages to get out choking on her words. "I am too." I say. She pulls away,"i thought you were mad and you weren't going to talk to me." She cries out. "I was mad. But I hate seeing and hearing you cry it's the worst thing to me. You know that. I can't be like that to you, I love you so much Aphmau and just know I'm doing this for you because I don't want someone coming and hurting you." I sniffle. She nods," I love you too Laurence." And leans in. I lean back and soon our lips meet. The kiss was slower than usual but it was nice. I pull away and pick her up. She look and me its tired eyes. I take her to the room and lay her down along with myself. I turn to her and she looks happier. "Go to sleep Princess." I smile and kiss her forehead,putting ,putting my arms around her keeping her close.

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