Laurence's POV
I woke up this morning thinking about what had happen last night, wow I can't believe we did that,I think sadly. No he deserved it,he almost killed me or Aph, I need to get over it. I decided maybe that I can hang out with aphmau's sons today. Aphmau wakes up and I smile at her," morning princess." She replies," morning, you looked stressed what's up?" She looks worried. "Oh I um was thinking about what happen last night." I say. " oh yea,um let's not talk about it,okay." She says a little sad. "Oh sure thing,sorry. Anyway I was wondering if I could hang out its levin and Malachi. " I ask. She looks like she's about to cry,"of course,yes!" She's happy.
Aphs POV
I was going to cry,I loved that. I was going to cry from happiness,I just can't believe he wants to hang out with my sons. "Okay good,I need to go in an hour then." Laurence smiles."yes,okay. I'll just go with Katelyn or someone." I smile back.
Hour later
Laurence is about to leave and I smile watching him get ready. "Ok so bye Aph,I love you." He says kissing me. I kiss back, "ok bye,tell me how it goes. Love you too." I say smiling as he leaves to see my sons. I just think for awhile.
Laurence's POV
So I'm walking to the kids house and I knock, "Levin? Malachi? You guys there?" I ask. About 2 minutes later levin opens the door confused with Malachi behind him. "Laurence? What are you doing-OMI did something happen to mom!?" They both say at the same time. "Oh wait no no no no. That's not it at all, I decided I wanted to come hang out with you guys for an hour or two. I never really did it when you guys were little,and I like to think I was like a father to you." I lightly smile. They released a breath of air and nod. "Uh yea just sit on the couch,levin can you get some drinks?" Malachi leads me to the couch. "Oh yea sure thing." Levin leaves. "So Malachi how are you,I haven't seen you in awhile." I say. "Oh good I guess,were thinking about going to scales wind to get more weapons and armor for the guard tower." He informs me. "Oh how long will it be until you leave." I ask. "In about a week or two." Levin interferes with waters. "Ok then,so you guys have any crushes?" I chuckle and smirk. "L-Laurence!" They both blush turning away. "Oh cmon, I won't tell." I say. "Yea but he might." They both say pointing at each other. I chuckle," You boys won't tell,or I'll tell your mom. So spill it." I demand playfully. A sigh comes out from both of them.
Malachi's POV
I decide I would go first. "I-I like L-Le-Leon-Leona." I stutter. "Oh well I wasn't expecting that,but go for it. I heard she has a little crush on you." Laurence says. I feel myself light up and I smile, "now you levin." I say. "Fiiine. It's A-Alex-Alexis." He stutter like I did. "Phhffftttt. She likes you,she told me." I smile. His eyes light up almost immediately,"heh you guys are amazing kids." Laurence smiles.
Aphmau's POV
I walk to my boys house and I hear them talking,the curious person I am I listen. "Heh you guys are amazing kids." It sounds like Laurence. I smile. "Your an amazing dad." My boys say. I blush and smile. It fades way and I knock on the door. Malachi answers,"oh hey mom." He hugs me. I hug back and hug levin, I sit down next to Laurence and he smiles. I return it and hold his hand. "So we're aware will we be having a little sister or brother." The boys smirk. ,OMI boys! I-I D-don't k-k-know." I blush and look over to Laurence. "Hey how come I'm the only one blushing?" I say. "Because it's me,I don't even flinch." He smirks. I look away blushing mad and the boys chuckle. "Ok um I wanted to say if you guys would like to come over for dinner,tonight. Like a family again." I ask. "Of course, we would love to." They both smile. It's about time for Laurence's shift and we both leave. "Thanks guys,see you later."Laurence and I smile at my sons.

Your not the only one. A Laurmau fanfic
FanfictionA laurmau fanfic. Garroth loves Aphmau and so does Laurence. She finds the boy she wants to be with and be with forever. Garroth may loose her, will he fight for unwanted love. And will Laurence or Garroth find out a secret of aphmau's. ENJOY❤️