. T H R E E / Gone .

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/ Hey guys.. I know I'm a bit late on updating, I had a huge breakdown earlier and it was really hard for me to get over, and I still haven't completely gotten over it yet, but I'm trying to stay strong, for this, for my boys, our seven boys <3 , On the bright side- I have the Sidemen to cheer me up. It's currently just now 3am. Lets see if I can get this done by 6. It's hard to keep my eyes open, No not cause I'm tired, cause I've been crying and hitting myself since like 10pm. Anyways, Here's your part guys <3 I love you, stay strong. <3 \


*Skylar's POV*

I sat up in my bed and looked out of the window, It was raining and foggy. My whole body ached. "Shit.." I groaned, and I went into the bathroom for pain pills. I put on my clothes and my vans, grabbing my backpack off my floor.

I walked out of my door and stomped down the stairs. My mom yelled at me from behind. "QUIET DOWN." and I replied with a simple "Shut the fuck up then." and walked out of the front door and slammed it shut. 

I growled, walking down the path and over the gate again. I heard a loud slam behind me, it was Gabe. I ignored it and walked on, I heard him run up to me and I felt a shove on my back, I tripped forward and turned back to him. "What was that for Gabriel?" I snapped. He grabbed my arms and dragged me into an alley. "Why'd you run yesterday, huh..?" He asked, pushing my face and body against the wall, Putting his face to my neck.

"Gabe get off of me. I ran so I didn't get beaten up again. I'm sorry, okay? God.." He twisted a rope around my hands, then around my waist and I couldn't move one bit. "Shouldn't have run.. Skylar." He whispered into my ear. I pulled away slowly and he shoved my pants down to the ground and I attempted to scream. Nothing came out. Fuck..

I slammed my head to the brick wall and Sighed. "Really..? Why Gabe?" I asked. "Because you humiliated me. So now you're going to get it." He puffed. 

"You're starting to sound like dad."

"Shut up!" He shoved himself into me.

I yipped. I should've shut up.. He continued to rape me (It's weird to say it but in the ass. I'm sorry. Ugh.)

He heard someone walking down the alley and cleaned us up quickly. I looked down at the ground so they couldn't see me, whoever they were. I heard a girls laugh and I shed a tear. Gabe had taken my hands out of the rope and I looked over at him. He was so proud of himself.

"Fucking scum." I yelled, grabbing his neck and pushing him against the wall. He lost his breath and mouthed "Stop" I pulled back and shoved him against the wall, Pushing against his neck with both hands. His breathing stopped. I let him fall to the floor and I grabbed the money out of his wallet and threw it down onto him and walked out of the alley, I looked at my phone, it was now half past eight and I sighed. I ran to school and went into my classroom. Getting stares and giggles the second I walked in.

I went and sat at my desk, Slamming my head onto my desk. I felt someones eyes on me. I looked all around me, and Mark, the guy sitting next to me was touching my back, I flinched and slapped his arm. "Piss off mate" I whispered.

The people behind me tore my hood down and pulled my hair with it, others taking videos and laughing. I started to cry and ran out of the room, and down the hall and out of the school. I decided to run home, I was done. I felt eyes on my back and I ran faster, climbing over the gate and cutting my stomach open in the process.

I slowly climbed up to my room and sat on my bed. I fell back and passed out for a few hours. I woke up and I was in a different room, and I was colder than usual, I was sitting in the kitchen, in nothing but my bra and underwear, I was so f- My cuts, on my stomach, were out in the open. I heard someone walk in and I looked over, My dad, brother, and mother all walked in together.

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