. N I N E / Help Me .

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/ Hey guys! Hopefully I'll be done with this chapter earlier than yesterdays, Buuuut, It's currently 5:30 pm, let's see how long it takes me to finish this chapter, Cause this morning my dad came in and yelled at me to go to sleep cause school is coming soon, like I've said in previous A/N's. But anyways, Enjoy this chapter <3 Thank you all for the support on this whole thing, I love you all and stay strong, it's worth it <3 \


*Vikk's POV*

We all walked out of the front door and headed down the street, I was quite tired cause I hadn't slept the night before, but, I wanted to go with Skylar and everyone but JJ.

"I have a 10k egg I need to hatch, I have a good feeling about this one." I laughed to everyone, I looked to my left and right, Skylar wasn't on either side of me.

I heard a faint scream behind us and I turned, I saw Skylar's phone on the sidewalk and I hit Harry and Simon, telling them to look back.

"G- G- Guys.." Harry said, Tobi, Ethan, and Josh turned.

Simon started running to see if she had just hidden to joke with us. Harry and the others started running after him, and so did I.

"Shit.. Why didn't we keep an eye on her..?" Simon said, Grabbing her phone and looking around, it was still unlocked and on her pokemon app, Simon closed out of it and locked it.

"I- I- should've kept by her side.." Tobi looked down, putting his phone in his pocket.

We heard a thump in the distance but we were too sad to check it out, considering we couldn't protect her like we promised her..

"We need to go change and get JJ, quick, If it was her family she might be greater danger than before.." Harry said, everyone agreed and we started to jog home.

"JJ GET READY!!" Tobi yelled, Simon, Josh, and I all ran upstairs following Tobi, I ran into my room and changed swiftly, I walked downstairs and Harry hadn't changed, he still looked like Skylar did, Blue SDMN shirt, with another pair of his grey Joggers, and his black nike shoes.

Josh, Tobi, Ethan, and Simon all ran down soon after we had.

"Should we bring a few cameras to see if we can get anything on film to testify if it's her family?" I asked.

"We actually probably should've vlogged, cause if she was behind us, we would've seen her get taken and or who would've taken her.." I said, guilty.

"Vikk don't blame yourself, Okay? It was all of us and we needed to be better protection for her." Ethan assured me.

JJ walked down the stairs and spoke, "Why did I need to get dressed..? And where is Skylar?" Everyone looked off into space and Simon started to walk up the stairs. "I'm going to get my portable charger and a few cameras." He said blankly.

"I'll bring one as well." Harry and Ethan said, parting directions.

I did the same and walked into my room and put my vlogging camera in a backpack along with a jacket to keep it from breaking and if I get cold.

I walked out and JJ was still wondering what was going on. Josh walked down the stairs with a backpack as well, Simon was sitting on the floor putting two jackets and a few cameras in his backpack. Harry sat next to him and put his arm around his neck, grabbing his other shoulder.

Simon put his head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Why couldn't I protect her..?" He said, Harry rubbed his shoulder and said, "Simon, it wasn't your fault. It was all of us, We will get her back, okay?" He hugged him and let go. Simon smiled at him and stuffed the camera in his backpack with the jumpers, He jumped to his feet, I started walking down the stairs and Josh was helping Tobi explain to JJ what had happened and why we had to leave so unexpectedly.

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