. T E N / Home .

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/ Hey guys! I'm sorry I was gone a bit, I guess I just didn't feel like updating and I'm sorry, I don't get much sleep. (I need to stop complaining) But I wasn't able to update yesterday because someone was over, so I didn't get to, and I forgot to when they left. I'm so sorry, anyways, I love you guys❤️ As always, enjoy the chapter, and if you need me, my messages are always open❤️ Stay strong❤️ \

*Tobi's POV*

I was the only one who saw Skylar... The others were too busy trying to get an idea of what to do..

I kept what I saw to myself, so Simon and Harry wouldn't risk their lives to run in there, those people are very dangerous.. And we need to be very cautious of what we were going to do at this point.

I looked at the others and they were all suggesting ideas of how to get in there to help the girl, as I know that it's Skylar..

"What if I went in and grabbed the young boy who cut her hand? And then Josh can grab the other young man, Ethan can grab the woman, JJ and Tobi can grab the large man, and Simon and Vikk can help get the girl out of there, I know we're looking for Skylar, but this is kinda important." Harry said, rambling on.

"I don't think we will be able to grab her and run fast enough," I said, taking my hat off, rubbing the top of my head.

"We need to do something quick before someone ends up dead, boys." Ethan said, We all agreed and turned back to the window.

I could see her breakdown from here, starting to have a small panic attack, as it started to get worse I saw her faint onto the floor, face first, the figures stood over her and laughed, kicking her around.

Poor Skylar...

"Guys, we need to do something now." I said, tapping Simon and JJ's arms hard.

"Oi calm down bruv!" JJ yell-whispered.

"I can't, we need to do something, sneak upstairs into the room she was in, I don't know. We need to act fast, now." I said, walking over to a window close by the steps.

"Tobi, mate, calm down." Ethan walked up to me, patting my back.

"Ethan, bruv I can't.. That girl in there, that's Skylar.. We need to save her.." I whispered. His facial expression changed and I hushed him, making sure he wouldn't tell the others.

(I don't want the others knowing yet so Simon and Harry and everyone else doesn't freak out like I said before❤️)

"Guys we need to get in, now." Ethan ordered the others. They looked confused and I opened the window, climbing into the house, getting a whiff of alcohol, and blood.

I waved back for Someone else to climb in behind me, I heard a shuffle, Vikk had lightly climbed in and whispered to me.

"Where should we go?" He asked.

"We should go upstairs, into that room with dark curtains. But turn your notifications on vibrate so the boys can still get ahold of us." I said, climbing up the creaky footsteps, changing my phone settings

I felt my phone vibrate, I looked at it as Vikk stopped next to me.

Harry had said that they were heading for the kitchen, but one was going upstairs due to the noises we had caused.

"Shit" I whispered, crawling all the way up and standing at the landing.

"Vikk Which one??" I asked, he pointed to a doorway leading into a brightish dark room.

"Come on." I jogged for the door, Vikk slightly Infront of me, I heard more creaks behind me on the stairs and threw myself under a shelf without looking at the room. Vikk went behind one of the curtains and didn't move. The person walked in and grabbed something off the shelf I was under. I shook in fear.

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