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"Compare sending someone a text message and getting a love letter delivered by carrier pigeon. No contest." – Bryan Callen

"Did I thank you for saving my life?"

"Hello to you too?"

"Greetings, earthling! Thank you for saving my life."

"All I did was call an ambulance. Nothing special."

"If you had called them five minutes later, I would've died."

"I was the reason why you ended up there in the first place, so we're even."

"I wonder where the others were?"

"Oliver was making ramen."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"While Penelope was housekeeping."

"Housekeeping? Isn't she a ski instructor?"

"She switched jobs last week, for some reason. Something about a lack of housekeepers. I wasn't really listening."



"Isn't it suspicious that she switched jobs right before the key was stolen?"

"What do you mean?"

"How she'd been missing since just before we began arguing?"

"Holy festive potpies. You think it was her?"

"If she was a housekeeper, wouldn't she have had direct access to your room while you were working? Time to rifle through your belongings?"

"But she's not– she can't– why would she do that?"

"Don't ask me. You girls have weird motives."

"So, if she theoretically stole the master key to frame me or whatever–"

"It'd be in her possession right now."

"Chipmunk, I can't accuse her of anything without making myself look bad. I'm still on probation! Besides, she's perfect Penelope. That's her armour."

"Then let's find the chink."

Snow Boots (#3)Where stories live. Discover now