Alexis Hamilton like every other teenager has a past, a past she never wants to relive. Starting a new school and drawing no attention is her plan but what happens when attention finds her?
Jason Tyler, the jaw dropping, mouth watering loner...
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt"- Charles Schulz Jason Taylor ☝🏾️☝🏾
******************************************* Alexis POV Walking into the cafeteria, I made a beeline to get my food before searching for Haley, "Alex" I turned to the sound of the voice to see Haley and on a closer look, two strange faces. As I sat down Haley introduced me to her friends Cole and Tessa, and without missing a beat stirred up another conversation. But my mind wasn't really with them and I think they seemed to notice as my stomach made itself known with another growl. I heard muffled laughs, three to be precise and I looked up and saw the three of them trying to contain their laughter, I laughed and playfully glared at them and started eating to save my stomach from suicide. At that moment two other people joined us, who introduced themselves as Dylan and Mikey. Lunch went on with them asking questions and me trying to be as vague as possible without being suspicious. As the bell rang, we all hurried out to get to class and since we were all going on different directions we yelled our goodbyes. After running through the halls to get to my locker only to realize that I had a free period. At this moment I was out of breath and pissed, because I wasn't exactly what you would call fit. Having nowhere to go, I decided to head to the library. After getting lost 5 times I found it, it wasn't what I expected it looked more modern than dead and abandoned. But it still had the famous librarian, you know the one that shushes you when you breathe, yeah.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
I found a secluded area and plugged in my earpiece and started listening to music, but it wasn't too loud so I could hear the noise from my surroundings. I started to think about how fast my life had changed, two years ago I was with my family and friends with a different attitude and a better view of life. Letting out an involuntary sigh, I had been in the library for a while before I heard the bell. I got my bag and left knowing it would definitely not be the last time I come here, I headed out of school and started walking back home. The first thing I noticed was that most of the boxes were unpacked, not bothering to announce my arrival I went to my room, had a hot shower and had a nap. After waking up from the best nap ever I decided I was hungry again. So like a normal person I went to the fridge in search of food but found it empty, realizing that my mum forgot to go shopping I rushed upstairs,grabbed the keys and told her I was heading out . Grabbing my cart and rushing through the aisles I got everything I needed, payed for it and got out. After arranging everything in the car, I saw a shadow pass behind me and I turned to see who it was. "You" I gasped, and I did what I usually do when I get nervous. I farted. ******************************************* Thank you for reading..... Don't forget to vote and comment... Thank you. Xoxo Tracey❤️