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I woke up, very cold. I missed the comfort and warmth of a bed and blankets. Adam sat up beside me. "Morning." He greeted me. I just looked at him and looked away. It was hard for me to stay so in love with him, especially when I knew the situation he had to be in. "Adam, look...." I spoke. He faced me with a look of concern. Adam, dear, why are you concerned for me. You're in this mess, too, and that hurts me. "Adam, I.... I love you, more than anything in the world. I would give anything for you. But...I....can't pull you out of this.... This whole mess we're struggling through. Our two best friends are dead, we're being chased by demons, and here we are..... cold and hungry sleeping by a dumster on hard concrete in an alley. I want everything more for you than this, Adam. Anything more. And I'm unable to give that to you, ok? And that freaking hurts. I can't do anything AT ALL to make you happy, healthy, or safe. If the demons, don't get you, look at you. You're so dishevelled, and it hurts me to see you like this. I want to stay with you more than anything, but how can I when I can't give you what you desserve? I love you, and right now, that love for you is pure pain. What can I do, Adam? I can't help you." Adam looked at me. His face looked pained. "Jin, don't you dare blame this on yourself. You are my everything to the very end, and I don't care how healthy I am, whether my clothes are nice, or if we are sleeping on solid concrete, I HAVE YOU! And that's all I ever need. If I die, I'm with you, and if I survive, I'm with you. So don't feel like you aren't doing anything. By loving me, Jin, you are doing everything. Your support, and your care and concern is all I need, ok? You are beautiful, inside and out, abd while your heart is in the right place, the best thing you can do for me now is support and love me. And I love you, too. Now come here." He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me as he patted my back. He then kissed me, and that felt like heaven after everything that was just said. "So, come on." Adam said. "Let's go get some air, ok, sweetie?" I stood up, and we walked together, hand in hand, through this nightmare of a place. Boy, I wished this were all a dream. "Never" I said. Adam looked beside him at me. "Never alone." He said, and smiled. "I love you so much" We continued to walk back to the alley. When we sat down to rest, I leaned close to him, and kissed him. It had always been the other way around. He smiled, as did I. I really did love him, and I knew, even if he died, I would never lose him. Moments with him were unforgettable. I lay down, and sighed happily for once.

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