Chapter 1

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Tanias POV

I woke up at 7:00 , had a shower and got changed into my school uniform wich is a black plaeted skirt with a white and red striped shirt and a black sweater and a black and red striped blazer . after i got changed i put my hair into a pony tail and let my side bangs fall down , if u were wondering my hair i kinda like Andrea Rusetts.

after i had changed i grabbed my bag and went downstairs , while i walked down the stairs the same awful scent creeped up my nose , the smell of alchol which ment my dad had a late night last night like every other . i didnt want to stay any longer so i left for school, i grabbed my penny board and skated down the road.

Once school started i sat in the back of the clas again where no one noticed me , i did this through all our lessons up to lunch. At the begining of lunch i went to the music rooms in the D block but just before i entered my normal practise room i stoped cause someone else was already in there , i decided to sit against the wall across the room and wait for them to come out. While i was waiting i could hear the boy singing and playing the guitar it was a tune i had never heard before but it sounded great. After staring at him for a while i realised he was one of the schools hotties Austin Mahone. I was caught out of my trance by the music stopping i looked through the window in the door and i realied he was about to turn around if he did he would see me , i decided to run as soon as he turned his head i knew he saw me run but i dont think he saw who i was which was good cause i didnt want him to know who i was and if he found out i knew he could sing he would probably kill me.

The rest of the day was normal , people would ignore me or trip me up, i was used to it now so it didnt really affect me. Once i gt hme the smell of alchol had died out so i guess my dad wasnt home again , i went upstairs , changed into some sweats and grabed my guitar i tryed to recreate Austins song but i dint noe the lyrics and i couldnt remember the beat so i just gave up and went to grab some food from downstairs, halfway through the stairs i heard a key go into the front door so i knew my dad was now home, i didnt want to communicate with him so i ran upstairs into my room , locked the door and jumped into bed. i could hear glasses breaking so i knew my dad was drunk again. I tried to picture what life would be like if my mum hadnt died while giving birth to me, but it was too hard so i just cryed myself to sleep again.

Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday went by so quickly , i would spend my lunch time watching Austin in the Music room without him notesing until i would run away.But today , Friday was diffrent.

After Austin ad finished singing i began to run away when someone grabbed my wrist

"ow , get off " i said while turning around

" who are you?" autin asked me

" no one" i said while looking down

" do you even go to this school?"

" no im just wearing this ugly uniform because i felt like it"

" hahaha, funny , why do u keep watching me?"

" i dont know , im sorry " i said while running off.

It was finally 6th period and i was finally beging to forget about Austin and my encounter at lunch.

Dr Quazi ( who was a girl) , was in the middle of exsplaining about how enzymes work when there was a knock at the door . i looked up to see Austin stading in the door way

" what would you like Austin?"

" well i used to bee in set 'Y' but now ive been moved to set 'X' so i guess im in your sc ience class now"

" very well, you can sit in the back next to ...... whats your name dear?"

" Tania " i said bearly louder than a mumble

" right, you can sit next to Taylor"

" its Tania"

" what ever "

gos that teacher pisses me off its bad enough she cant remeber my name after teaching me for over 3 months but now i have to sit next to Austin

" look i dont want to sit next to someone who stalks me anymore than you want to sit next to me so how about we make talking a ' no, no' "

" sounds great" i replied while rolling my eyes

After a while Dr Quazi decided to talk again

" Now you will all be doin a project with the person sat next to you...."

after she said that i was kinda lost in my thoughts , i had to do a project with Austin wich ment we would have to spend time together , what if he found out my secrets, i guess i would just have to be careful. i was interupted by austin hitting me in the face with my book

" what the hell was that for?" i whisper/shouted

" you were daydreaming"


"what ever , look i've sorted out a plan so we dont have to spend much time together "

" so what is it?"

" i was gettin to it gosh your so impaitiant Tania, you can do the writing and i will make the model and we can go to ur place to put it all together"

" why do we hav to go to my place?"

" cause we do, is that a problem?"

" no"


as soon as the bell rang i ran out of thhat class faster than bolt but only to be knocked over from the cool gang. after i had picked my bang back up off the ground i looked up to see Austin standing there laughing at me

" your such a loser" he said while laughing

i just brushed off his comment and rushed home.

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