Now That's Threatening..

63 3 15

Dakota's pov

A carnival?

I was standing beside Chris probably looking like a Child getting her first present on Christmas!

I loved carnivals!

Chris looked at me and grinned. "You like the surprise?"

I let out a squeal and jumped on him hugging the shit outa him.
"I loved it!"

He chuckled and hugged me back. I let go and grabbed his arm ready to go. "Com'on let's hurry!"

We went towards a Rollercoaster first. I was so excited to ride it. I was literally jumping up and down while Chris was paying for the tickets. After getting the tickets we ran towards the seat and fastened ourselves with safety!

"That was awesome!" I shouted and laughed along with Chris, after coming down from the ride.

"Didn't know you were that much of a daredevil. Most girls would avoid that thing because it's damn frightening, but you were literally dancing on your seat!" he said shaking his head.

I smirked. "Like you said.. I'm not most girls."

He rolled his eyes while I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Real mature. " he snorted.

Then we both laughed and started to enjoy the day.


I was happy. This was the most enjoyable day of my whole life. Chris was so sweet and adorable the whole day. He bought me cotton candy and we both ate it to our heart's content. Also I came to know about a lot of things from him, like his favorite color, his aim in life (which was to be a multimillionaire. I don't know why does he want to become that.), his hobbies and random stuff. We went to more rides whose names I can't even remember, we ate like pigs going to every shop and buying something or the other. Seeing me eat so much he commented that 'how was I able to stay in shape with an appetite equal to that!' I just shrugged and stuck out my tongue again!

But overall I had so much fun!

Right now we were at the ferris wheel, sitting side by side without speaking anything. He had his arm around me and my head was laying down on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. It was pure bliss. I didn't want this day to end.

"Hey.. " he said.

I looked up at him with a smile. "Hmm?"

"Are you happy?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Of course I am!"

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

My heart fluttered and gorillas started waltzing around my stomach. An unknown feeling was clawing up its way to my heart and I just couldn't resist it. It was like my heart would burst out any minute.

"You look cute when you blush.. " he chuckled.

I got out of his grip and blushed more.
Oh god what was he doing to me?

"Chris? Why are you doing this for me?" I asked sighing.

He looked at me for sometime then linked his fingers with mine.

"I don't know what I'm doing right now. I don't even know if I'm supposed to do this but I can't help but think it feels right. I annoy you stiff. But I feel happy around you. I feel like keeping you beside me all day. The day when you were at the hospital, it was the most horrible part of my whole life . I felt empty. I felt so.. I don't know. God I hate myself for being this cheesy.. "

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