Well You See..

64 4 19

A/n: an early update just for you.  Read the author's note at the end.

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Rush's pov

I ended the call and stood outside the airport. I was so happy to finally be able to see her! We've been talking online and on phone for days and I so wanted to see her!

The night was chilly and I hugged myself tighter to keep myself warm. The airport was near to empty. It was like some zombie apocalypse wiped the human race off.

Mmh. Zombie apocalypse.

I would've preferred a panda apocalypse more. I mean why couldn't the humans turn into pandas rather than grouchy faced, eyeball falling, bloody bodied creatures?


That would've been so cute!!

My thoughts were snapped by a voice.

"Hey babe! Wanna try and blow us off with your hotness?"

I turned around and saw three men standing there with cigarettes between their fingers. They looked at me like I was water in the middle of the desert.
I looked around to find any source of help but there was none.

I laughed nervously.. "What's shaking fellas? Care for a lollipop?"

Just so you know, I carried my lollipop everywhere! I couldn't take my ninja sword with me coz that makes people shoot some major weird looks at you.

"Oh no sweetheart.. We just want you.. " the middle guy said moving towards me.

"Don-don't move! I know kung-fu!" I said moving my hands in random directions.

The men still moved towards me. I could smell them from here even! They reeked of alcohol!


"Calm down.. We won't do anything to you love.."

I paused and blinked. Once. Twice.

"Who would want to do something to me? " I said confusion lacing my voice, "I'm cute! Like a panda! Who would want to do anything to a panda? I'm adorable!" I said flicking my hair back.

"God its enough! Let's just grab the girl! Enough with the chit chat!" a man growled.

Okay.. So now I had two options.

1. Throw them a lollipop and run!

2. Run! Run for my life like nothing exists.

I pondered over my lollipop. I couldn't just throw away my lollipop! So option two it is!

I grabbed my bag and ran!

I could hear the men's footsteps behind me and I panicked.

God where was-

I crushed onto a hard surface with an 'oomph'. The hard surface grabbed my shoulders and I just screamed so loud that it could put an opera singer to shame.

"Rush it's me!"

I looked up to see my Knight! Dakota!

"Guess we'll be having a feast tonight.." I heard the men say.

I grabbed her hand. "Let's go! I don't have my ninja sword and we-"

I couldn't finish as Dakota pushed me behind her back making herself a barrier against me and the men.

"Just leave us alone, if you wanna live. " she said in a bold voice.

The men laughed.

"Umm.. Dakota I really think we should.."

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