Don't Forget (Part 2)

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(a/n) If you haven't read Don't Forget, which is the previous episode, please do read that one first for better understanding(lol).

Requested by Marissa_Trancy.

"Okaasan! Okaasan!" A girl ran to your side.

"Sarang~" You hugged the girl who just ran into your embrace.

Sarang is a 4 years old daughter of yours and your husband's. He had always been saying that if he has a daughter, he would name her Sarang. 

(no, I am not referring to Sarang from The Return of Superman)

"Okaasan, I played soccer with Naoki-kun today" Sarang brightly reported to you of her daily activity.

"Really? Did you played well with Naoki-kun?" Sarang nodded and spotted her appa, eavesdropping her conversation with you.


"Wah!" Your husband, who is genuinely shocked at everything (lol sorry), shocked at Sarang's sudden attack.

"Appa, why are you eavesdropping~"

"Appa wants to know Sarang's daily report too. Okaasan never shares" Sarang giggled at the sad face that he potrayed.

"Appa, are we going home to Korea?" Your husband sat properly and answered her.

"Nae, we are. But as always, Sarang and Okaasan are going to come home to Japan again"

Sarang is a very bright kid. At the age of 4, she could already associate that whenever her Appa comes home, several days after that, the whole family will fly back to Korea. And after staying there for a week, Okaasan and Sarang will fly home to Japan again.

Sounds troublesome but there is a reason behind it that makes you and him agree to that.

While in Sapporo, Sarang made a friend with one of her friends in the area, Naoki-kun. You and your husband thought it would break Sarang's heart to be away from her best friend, just like how you felt before.

Due to the fact that your husband is working in South Korea, he agreed to leave you in the hands of your parents in Sapporo. He doesn't mind the fact of being away from you for a while. Skype and Face Time is always there to help. 


It's bedtime for Sarang. Usually you would tell Sarang a bedtime story. As your husband wasn't always home, he would take the role as bedtime storyteller whenever he was.

"Appa, tell me the continuation of Okaasan's story" Sarang said as she positioned herself comfortably under the blanket.

"Okaasan's story?"

"The story of a princess who was sent away from her prince" Sarang's eyes glistened.

The story sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't recall even a bit of it.

"Sarang.. appa doesn't really know the story. Okaasan will tell you lat--"

"Do continue, appa wants to listen to it too" Taekwoon was obviously curious that he even cut your conversation with Sarang.

"*small laughter* Fine then.." You took your place next to Sarang while Taekwoon sat at the one seater couch near Sarang's bed.

"Okaasan will start now" Sarang nodded.

**(continuation from the previous chapter)**

After several days, Okaasan told you that their old friend from Korea is coming to their house for a visit.

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