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It's a beautiful morning. The clouds and the sky make it look like I'm staring right into a painting. I always loved staring into the clouds. Sometimes they had a red color to them when the sun came up and it always reminded me of her.

I wonder where she is and how's she holding up. I hope Her family's doing okay.

"Alright students we have a new member to our family!"

Ugh Catholic school. Yay! We are all one family and it's all lovey dovey! I don't like how happy they are. It was weird. Sure you can be happy but these guys are Too happy trust me I've been with them since 6th grade. But I understand that today she's extra happy because there's a new student.

"Here she is!" our religion teacher points to the door. It's first period so nothing has happened so far.

"Hello everybody." she says walking in.

Its Her.

Ww-Wait no way, that can't be her. She moved away along time ago.

I hear everyone gasp and I just stare in amazement.

Well they bare a striking resemblance. She has her cinnamon skin and she has Her hair. On second thought that's probably her. It was so out of the ordinary and that's what I liked about her. She didn't care what people thought of her and i really admired that about her. It was black and curly with the ends being red. You could spot her from a mile away.

It was longer though. She probably let it grow out. I like it. It looked good either way short shoulder length or longer.

I remember the day she came up to me with it. It was one of those days where you just feel like not doing anything.

I was laying down in a meadow that was near our houses staring into the sky and I saw and heard her car pull up.
I saw her spot me and she started running. Her hair was..... Amazing!

"Hey Ang! Like my new hair?"
She said pointing to her hair.

"Wow! It looks good Rose! It looks good on you!"I said as I stood up in amazement.

"Hehe thanks!"

"How long did that take!"

"Oh it was sooo boring but sooo worth it!"
"Here Ill tell you all about it!"
She said as she layed down with me.

I loved those days where we just layed or sat and did nothing just telling each other stories or just sitting together staring into the sky.

And she has those eyes. Those deep dark red eyes, they were so extordinary that I couldn't help but stare into them at times.They looked like a dark brown from far away but if you get close you'll see the red.

"Please introduce yourself to the class!"
Our teacher preppy as ever tells her.

"I'm Rose Violet, I'm 15 years old and I transferred here from Saint Josephs."

I can't believe its Her. Well who else has hair and eyes like that. It's been two years and I finally get to see her again.

"Well please Ms.Violet take a seat wherever you like just make sure you don't talk."
Our teacher says while motioning her hand to show the desks we sit at.

She scans the room and she spots me. We make eye contact and she smiles. I smile back of course it would be rude not to.

She makes her way over to me. Of course there has to be an empty seat by me. I remove my stuff so she can sit.

"Hey Ang, what's up?" she says.

"Nothing much Rose welcome to St.Ambers."
I say while turning to her.

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