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I sat there. Crying.
I sat there for an hour just crying I knew she was gonna be gone and that hurt more than anything in the world.

I made my way inside and just went into my room. I slammed the door and jumped on my bed. I was too hurt to care about anything.

Rose's POV

I made my way down the building. Crying the whole time.

I just ran. I ran down the stairs and out of the building. I just ran.

I ended up in the meadow that was near our houses. The meadow that I showed Him my hair for the first time.

I remember it like it was yesterday. He was so shocked and was in awe and I just laughed at his face. I was glad he liked it he was my bestfriend after all. It made me burst into tears.

I just fell to the ground and I just layed there.
I was so hurt. The fact that I was gonna lose Him hurt so much.

I was crying my eyes out. At the time I didn't know but I developed feelings for Him.
I didn't know if he felt the same I didn't get the chance to ask.

It was until two hours i had gotten up and made my way back to my house.
I looked up at Angelo's apartment and ran to my house. I started crying again.

"Hey Honey want som-" my mom said. I didn't answer I just ran into my room.

I guess she saw me crying because she went up and knocked on my door.

"Are you okay honey? If you need to talk I'm right here." she said.

"Leave me alone I just want to be by myself right now."

I heard her walk down the stairs and I just cried into my pillow. We lived in an apartment identical to Angelos.

Just seeing it hurt my heart. I saw his window that was in his room and his lights were on. I wonder what he's doing right now. I hope he's not crying over me.
What am I saying of course he is. Im crying over him.

Angelo's POV

DAMN IT! I yelled in my mind.

I was crying my eyes out into my pillow.
My lights were on in my room so I turned them off. I wanted to be in the dark.

I put my headphones on and turned my MP3 on.
It was playing "You Found Me" By the Fray.
Ironic. It made me start crying again but I kept it on. It made me think about her good thoughts though. I'm glad that I spent my life with her

Rose's POV

I climbed onto the fire escape and sat there staring down onto the street. It was what I did when I was sad.


Angelos POV

Its been a few days since we last talked. We haven't communicated since then. I guess we needed some space. Until....

*Knock Knock*

"Yo Angelo! Could you get that for me!" my dad said. He was cooking breakfast since it was 9 a.m.

I ran and looked through the peep hole. It was Her.

I quickly opened the door and put my hand against the frame and leaned on it.

"Hey i haven't seen you around these parts."
I said in a suave accent

She giggled "Well I haven't been around these parts before."
Oh my gosh there's her giggle. It instantly made me smile and warm up inside. It was so calming and just...beautiful.

"So what brings you to my humble aboad?"
I said letting her in.

"I wondered if we could hang out today maybe go down to the pier."

"Sure I'll go ask El Padré." I said running.

Rose's POV

I heard distant mumbling and footsteps.
Angelo went into his room.

I went knocked on his door.

"Just a sec!" he said, I giggled. He always made me laugh even for the stupidest reasons.

He came out in his usual attire. A black jacket, a red shirt, black jeans and some black and red shoes. He had a backpack on to. He always had it on but I never knew what he had in it.

He stuck his arm out saying "May I walk you mam?"

I locked his arm with mine saying "You may."

He smiled. Oh gosh that smile. He always made me smile back with it. It instantly warmed me up.

We made our way down his building arms still locked.

"So Rose what shall we do today?" he said as we exited his building.

"Mmm I was wondering maybe we could just walk and maybe check out some shops. Maybe even go to the pier."

"Mmmm excellent choices Rose I can always count on you to come up with a good day!"

I smiled and said "Thank you Thank You now, shall we make our way?"

"We shall." he said while smiling back.

I realized how close we were and I started blushing. My heart was racing 100 miles per hour. His smile and how close we were. AHHHH I CANT TAKE IT AIFNEJSOAOAHDW.

Angelo's POV

I noticed Rose blushing while we were walking. I OMG I JIST REALIZED HOW CLOSE WE WERE.

OMG OMG OMG My hearts racing 100 miles per hour. What do I do!?! Does she like it!?! Is it weird?!? Am I too close!?! IS SHE OKAY WITH IT?!? AHH I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE SIFBE AKSIDHDNS

-Normal POV-

There they were. Two kids blushing as red as tomatoes.

There was a lady walking by the heading the opposite direction.

"Awww what a cute couple." she said while walking away.

-Angelo and Rose's POV-



He was blushing and was red as a tomato.
She was blushing and was red as a tomato.

We made eye contact and quickly looked away.


-Normal POV-

There they were. The two walking down the street.

They kinda are a cute couple :)

I wonder what they are thinking right now.

-Angelo And Rose's POV-



-Rose's POV-

We both are blushing at this point. We keep walking and after a couple seconds I calm down.

I check if he is too and thank God he is.

We both spot OM-

"Is that who I think it is?" He said in a slightly worried tone.

Cliffhanger! Please if you enjoy this story rate or comment so it'll let me know to continue this story. In enjoying it so far!

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