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Hey guys this is just an authors note to address some things.

Also the music above is Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie he's one of my favorite artists you should peep him out.

I really hope that you guys are enjoying this as much as I am because I really love writing this book. I honestly don't want it to end but it has to : p which sucks.
Also it would really help if you guys rated or commented to show that ur reading or that you like this book cuz I'm just here left to assume other than my friends that read this I have no clue if you guys like this or not. But I'm glad alot of people are reading this.

Btw I imagined Rose's Hair like this just the tips dyed red like this

Btw I imagined Rose's Hair like this just the tips dyed red like this

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Like her tips are dyed just like that but red.

Also Rose is like around 5'4-6 and Angelo I'd 5'9 so there's still a height difference even with Rose's boots. Violet I imagined so around the same height as Rose but with her boots (show below) she would be around Angelo.

Speaking of her boots here they are.
In fact here is her whole outfit when they went shopping.

In fact here is her whole outfit when they went shopping

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So yeah that's her outfit just the sweaters sleeves are up

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So yeah that's her outfit just the sweaters sleeves are up.
So this is Violet's outfit if anyone was wondering.

So this is Violet's outfit if anyone was wondering

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Juse the skirt and leggings btw.

Juse the skirt and leggings btw

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She would have hair like that cuz her names Violet after all

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She would have hair like that cuz her names Violet after all.

She would have hair like that cuz her names Violet after all

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And her lipstick

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And her lipstick.

And her boots which boost her height to around Angelo's which is 5'9

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And her boots which boost her height to around Angelo's which is 5'9.

So yeah this is basically the A/N just an announcement and Rose and Violet's outfits.

P.s. I might honestly right Chap 5 this morning idk but basically it's gonna be when she moves and either idk now but either half of 5 will be about Rose moving and the other half will be present time or the whole 5 is the move and 6 will be present time idk depends what i choose but I'm just letting you guys know

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