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-🌹Rose's POV🌹-

We did visit more shops but we didn't buy anything else other than the bracelet and the shoes. We basically just walked around. Don't get me wrong I loved it. Spending time with him was the and always will be the best. I noticed it was getting a little bit dark so I decided to check the time.

"Hey Ang it's 6:30 we should head back."

"Mm good idea let's go."


We locked hands and made our way to our apartment.

"Hey Rose."


"Hehe we need nicknames well, you need more."

"Seems i do if you think."

"Well all you have Is Mama Rose and.."

He started leaning in.

"Ms.Lacy." he said in a smooth tone.

My cheeks started to go red.

"Hehe I've said it before and I've said it again, i can never forget that. Just like I'll never forget you." he said and kissed me on the forehead.

"Alright alright Mr.Smooth you got me."
He smiled at the comment and I couldn't help but smile back. It always got to me and still does.

"Okay how bout...."

"I have nothing hehe."

"Well we will think on it later right now we have homework to do."

"Ugh you're right." he said in a disappointed tone.

We made it to our apartment and walked up the stairs.

"Bye Rose."

"Bye Ang ."

We kissed and opened our doors.

"Hey mom I'm back!"

"Hey Rose dinners on the table! Im upstairs if you need me!"

"Ok thanks mom!"

-Angelo's POV-

Man today was great. It's been awhile since I've enjoyed a school day. Well time for Homework im so excited.

I cracked open my math book and starting writing.

-Rose's POV-

I looked up at the clock in my room and it read 10:30. Jesus I spent 4 hours on homework! Man and it was my first day too!

I fell on my bed and my phone vibrated. I got a text from Ang.

Wana go on the roof?

Definitely! I'll be right up.

I shut my phone off and check with my mom. I ran down the hall and went downstairs and see was washing dishes.

"Mom I'm gonna go up to the roof with Ang!"

"Okay remember it's a school night don't stay up to late!"

"Thanks! I'll be going now!"

"No funny business!"


" I can never stop!"



I made our way up to the roof and Ang was sitting there on the edge.

"Hey Ang."

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