Ch. 7 - Two Harunos and two puppeteers

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We were travelling for a day already. Pakkun, Kakashi's ninja dog told us that we were getting closer to the Akatsuki's location. That was a good news, but something still seemed wrong. Yesterday evening we split up with Guy's team because they stayed to fight Kisame Hoshigaki, the first person that showed up and tried to stop us. Later we had to deal with Itachi Uchiha, but then we figured out that it wasn't even the real one, but some kind of clone or something like that. I didn't really understand Kakashi's explanation, but it just made me even more mad because we wasted to much time because of it.  

'' Chiharu, are you okay? '' Sakura asked.  

I raised my head and looked at her. We were currently jumping from branch to branch between the trees of a forest. Naruto and Kakashi were in the front while Sakura, lady Chiyo and I were in the back. I noticed that even the old woman was staring at me with concern, just like my sister.  

I looked at Naruto and Kakashi and then slowly narrowed my eyes. '' No. I'm not okay. It's taking to much time to find him... I don't like this. They took him because they want the power of the Shukaku that is sealed inside him and we gave them enough time to do to him whatever they want. ''  

Sakura sighed. '' You know that we're doing our best to find him. ''  

'' Why do you even care so much? '' Chiyo suddenly spoke up, making me focus my attention on her. '' Gaara never had a real friend. Even now that he's the Kazekage a lot of people don't like him because of the Shukaku and think that he's a- ''  

'' He's not a monster! '' I yelled before she could say it. Everyone instantly stared at me, surprised by my sudden outburst. '' You don't know Gaara! He's actually a really nice person and he never deserved being treated like that! '' I screamed and pointed at Chiyo.  

Her eyes slightly widened, then she slowly nodded. '' I understand. You truly believe that? '  

'' Yes, '' I murmured and kept jumping between the trees. It was true. Sometimes the way other people treated Gaara just because of the Shukaku angered me. It wasn't his fault that the monster got sealed inside him. Yesterday I found out that it was actually Chiyo's fault and it took a lot from me not to try to kill her, because technically Gaara's suffering was also her fault. But now she was here to help us and that was what made it at least a little better.  

'' There, '' Kakashi suddenly said and jumped from the trees and landed on the ground. We all quickly followed him and noticed that we were standing on top of a small cliff. Under it there was a river and on the other side a mountain. But you could clearly see that it was the place we were looking for, mostly because of some kind of random red gates in the middle of the river. If you asked me, for a bunch of S-ranked criminals, they really had no idea how to actually hide their hideouts.  

'' Inside the mountain? '' Naruto asked, slowly clenching his fists.  

Kakashi nodded and narrowed his eyes. '' And I already know how we're going to get inside. Follow me. ''  

A few minutes later we were all set for our plan. Kakashi and two other of Naruto's clones placed some kind of explosive tags on four places on the cliff that was between us and Gaara. Now it was time for Sakura and I to do the rest.  

I looked at my sister, standing on water next to me and just pulling on her gloves. '' Double Haruno punch? '' I questioned, raising an eyebrow.  

She stared at me with confusion. '' What is that? '' 

A grin appeared on my face. '' I don't know, I just came up with it, but it sounds pretty cool so in the future, let's use that! ''  

Sakura just rolled his eyes and then pointed at the cliff. '' You said that you got stronger? ''  

The pink flower ninja (Naruto) [Sequel to Sakura's twin sister Chiharu] ✓Where stories live. Discover now