Ch. 13 - The bomber and a murderous Jashinist

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I frowned, making that thinking 'hmm' sound. Then I turned at Itachi that was the only one in the simple room besides Deidara that was laying on a bed on the side, looking pretty bad. '' Could you untie my hands? ''  

The Uchiha just narrowed his black eyes.  

'' I won't try to escape! '' Hehe, at least not yet. '' I mean, it's not like I don't know how strong you are, '' I muttered and then grinned, continuing with an over dramatic voice: '' I wouldn't have a chance against someone from the almighty Uchiha clan. ''  

'' Hn, '' Itachi murmured before he pulled a kunai from his cloak and quickly swung it through the air. I already squeaked, thinking that I angered him and that he was going to cut my hands of, but the only thing that happened were the ropes on them falling on the ground. I slowly moved my arms and rubbed my wrists, before I walked to Deidara's bed.  

A slight blush appeared on my face at the sight of his bare chest. I knew that I probably shouldn't be thinking about it right now... I surely wasn't supposed to be thinking about it, but I mean, I was teenage girl, how couldn't I notice his sixpack? And the way he looked when his long blonde hair wasn't tied in a high ponytail...  

Okay, I was starting to get of topic here.  

I quickly blinked and stretched my arms. '' Okay, '' I spoke up. '' You know, it really isn't so hard to heal him... Well, at least it isn't for me, considering that I know the poison I hit him with... But is still pretty easy. I don't even have to use my forbidden jutsu to make an antidote. '' It wasn't like I was expecting Itachi to say something back, but I was just used to myself, constantly babbling nonsense all the time. It was just a habit.  

I pressed a hand on Deidara's sweaty forehead. '' Hmm... Even if I would have to use my forbidden jutsu if the poison would be in his body for another day. But now I only need to make the antidote, and then heal his damaged organs. ''  

'' And what do you need for the antidote? '' Itachi spoke up for the first time. '' Where are you going to get the plants that you need? ''  

I just grinned. The fact that the almighty Itachi Uchiha didn't know something... It just made my day. '' Ah, Uchiha... You probably don't know much about the Shi no hana. Because if you would, then you would be sure that getting plants isn't a problem. ''  

I placed my hands in a handseal and concentrated. At first nothing happened, then three different stems appeared in my other hand. They slowly got longer and at their ends three different flowers appeared, a blue one with round petals, a smaller one with a lot of pink blossoms and another one that had a leaf that I needed.  

I turned at Itachi and my grin even widened at the sight of the slightly surprised look on his always serious face. '' Now I need a kunai to crush the plants and make the antidote and some kind of pot thing. ''  

He just searched through another pocket of his cloak (how many pockets did that thing even have?! He was like some kind of walking and talking wardrobe with an endless number of drawers), pulled out a small white cup thing and then gave me a kunai, carefully staring at me. I knew that he was still thinking that I was going to attack him. I was also wondering if it would be a good idea, but I guessed that it wouldn't. I was lucky to be alive anyway.  

I put the blue blossom, two pink ones and the leaf in the cup and then quickly crushed them with the blade of the kunai. When I was happy with my work I grabbed the cup again and carried it to Deidara's mouth. Somehow he managed to swallow it, even if I wasn't sure if he was unconscious or not. He was moving from one side of the bed to another, sweating like he wanted to create a new ocean and groaning in pain.  

The pink flower ninja (Naruto) [Sequel to Sakura's twin sister Chiharu] ✓Where stories live. Discover now