Arthur's Note

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Arthur-chan bangs her head against a wall while Nagisa tries to stop her.

Nagisa - Arthur-chan it's okay.

Arthur-chan - No I'm a disgrace to all things writing. I should have reread the lemon and seeing so many mistakes that I made I knew it was terrible, plus it's almost been a year since the last time I updated.

Nagisa - Well you did leave them on a good lemon.

Arthur-chan slides down the wall whimpering and hugs her knees to her chest, going into her emo corner.

Makoto - We should do something to cheer up Arthur-chan, but what?

Nagisa - Hm a new book idea?

Rin - Yes another book she could forget to update.

Arthur-chan whimpers more going deeper into her emo corner.

Nagisa - Rin you're not helping.

Haru looks at Arthur-chan as the others argued. He got up and goes over to her and sat down beside her and pets her head.

Haru - Nobody blames you Arthur-chan. We get that you've been busy and can be a little forgetful. You have wonderful readers who always vote and comment on your story everyday.
Rin - Mostly because we force them.

Haru glares at Rin before going back to Arthur-chan.

Haru - You're going to be a senior this year and that's going to make it harder, but we'll be here for you.

Haru, Nagisa, and Makoto hug Arthur-chan and she fells a little better.

Nagisa - Ne Rin why not join the hug?

Rin - I don't do hugs.

Arthur-chan looks at him with her puppy dog face.

Rin - Alright alright.

Rin joins in the hug and Arthur-chan smiles.

Arthur-chan - Thanks guys!
Hey guys, it's true that I kinda forgot about the story and I'm so sorry! *bows head* I'm just a forgetful person and when I finally saw that the last time I updated was November 17, 2015 I felt horrible. Please forgive my forgetfulness and hopefully I can add another chapter soon.

Rin Matsuoka x Reader Summer CampWhere stories live. Discover now