I'm Thankful That I'm Out Of That Hospital Bed

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"Good news,little sister, Derek says that you're cleared. I've signed the discharge papers so let's get you home!" Addison chirped as I walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed in scrubs.

"Yeah, I, uh, know. Derek kinda beat you here. He figured since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, he should be the one to announce that I could go home and start work when I wanted to." I announced, twisting my fingers nervously. For years, I had spend most of my holidays with Derek since Addie was so busy with the practice and with her being an OB-GYN, it complicated things.

Granted, there was some times that Derek couldn't be around either but he always made up for it. Unlike my own goddamn sister. Addie raised an eyebrow then replied,"Oh. Oh, well okay. Um, you ready to go back with me?"

"What? Addie, I live with Meredith, and George, and Izzie. And I can't go home, not yet. I've gotta work. I need to work. I haven't been to work in two weeks. I need to feel a scalpel in my hands and I just. I need to be a surgeon." I protested. I sidestepped my sister then walked out, leaving her alone.

"Dr. Bailey!" I hurried over to her and Meredith who looked incredibly surprised to see me up and walking.

"Dr. Parker. Have you been cleared?" Bailey asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yep,sure have." I chirped, grinning. She gave a short laugh then declared, "Great. Now I have Dr. Kickass and Dr. Kissass to torture."

"I better be Dr. Kickass." I warned as we begun walking. Meredith shot me a look then asked,"You don't listen to what people call you,do you?"

"Apparently not." I murmured as we stopped in front of an unfamiliar doctor.

"Dr. Kent? Uh I'm the surgical resident assisting you today. I know you're subbing in from Mercy West so if there's anything I can do to help..." He immediately cut her off,"Look, I'm here for one day. I don't need my ass kissed. All I need is to tell you what to do and you do it. And I don't like mistakes."

I stepped forward before Bailey could reply then snapped,"Here at Seattle Grace, there's two things that we don't do: kiss ass and make mistakes." Miranda and Meredith stifled their laughter then Kent replied back at me,"Whatever. There's only one resident I want in my OR. Oh, and this intern. Guys they call the Nazi and Dr. Kickass. Do you know them?"

Once again, we forced ourselves into silence as Bailey handled the situation. Kent directed us over to a man who had PVS for 16 years before Bailey also left us.

We were doing a typical work up when suddenly, the patient's eyes opened and flickered over Meredith, causing me to jump back in surprise.

"Holy hell, did that just happen?" I exclaimed, eyes wide. She nodded and stated,"I think we need to run some more labs."

"I'll go tell Bailey." I hurried out of the room, only to have Bailey redirect me to Derek, which in turn, turned me to let Meredith know that he was coming.

"Parker, you scrubbing in?" Bailey asked. My head perked up and I immediately agreed to it. I followed her into the scrub room then pulled on my gown, a nurse tying the strings while I scrubbed up to my elbows before Kent stormed in,"What are you doing up here? Get down to the pit. We're backed up."

"No can do sir. The Nazi has us on this surgery." Bailey declared, sending me an amused glance. My lips twitched with amusement as I slid into the OR, everyone inside watching my every move.

"Dr. Parker,what are you doing in an OR on a holiday? Let alone right after a huge surgery like you just went through." Webber asked as I situated myself in to where I could see the patient, who had a knife in the back.

"You're one to talk. You should be at home. You have a wife who, need I remind you, is more than capable put a knife in your back." I laughed, adjusting my mask.

The surgery finished well and I ended up in the locker room,just staring at the metal doors.

"You're back." Cristina declared, clearly surprised.

"I've been offered positions from so many places, from so many hospitals and I don't know what to do about it." I blurted out. She jerked back then asked,"What? Who all knows about this?"

"Nobody does. I like Seattle. I have a thing for ferry boats,ya know? I'm going to change clothes and go back to the house because Izzie invited me to Thanksgiving dinner and nobody knows how many offers I have and it's a mess, Cristina."

She stood up and moved in front of my path then pulled me into an awkward hug before I tugged out of her arms just as George and Meredith walked inside and their eyes widened at the sight of us then George grumbled,"Oh, this is bad. This is so bad."

I nodded. We were all invited to Izzie's Thanksgiving Bash and by the looks of it,I don't think anyone went.

"Burke! Burke went, I'm pretty sure he's still there. And, and Joe and his boyfriend. We can still go." Cristina declared,obviously not wanting to upset Izzie. I grabbed my scrubs then declared,"Let's go. I'm not in the mood to piss her off. Besides, I like Thanksgiving. I'll,just meet you guys there."

I walked out of the locker room and spotted the Chief talking with Bailey.

"You're supposed to be at home, you surgery junkie! Why the hell are you still here? Get out. Out, out,out!! Dammit, this is my job, and I will prove my title as Dr. Kickass."

"My point exactly!" Bailey exclaimed, high fiving me.

"This is why you guys are the Nazi and Dr. Kickass." Webber hollered, as we entered the elevator that ironically had Kent in it.

"You two are the Nazi and Dr. Kickass?" he stuttered, waving a finger between us. I winked and declared,"Don't be sexist anymore, okay, Dr. Kent?" I exited the elevator and sooner than I thought, I was home and eating dinner.

"Does it feel good to be out of that bed?" Burke asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded then answered, "Yeah. I'm thankful to be our of that hospital bed."

Yay, another quick update!! Hope you enjoyed it. Comment, vote, share!! I'm looking to end this book soon, but have no fear, there will be a sequel.

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