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Karen Johnson was Kristen Stewart. The DNA tests they had made on our heroine had proved it.

Karen was anxious. What if everybody learned? The media would burst. The butterflies in her stomach were preventing her from calling her friends and telling them the truth. How was she going to announce the news? She couldn't just say:

"Hey, friends! I'm not the girl you believed I was. It ended up that I am Kristen Stewart - the missing child from twenty years!"

And the worst - how was she going to meet her biological family? She didn't even remember any of them. They would shower her with hugs and kisses and she would stand there awkwardly.

She was already nervous as fuck, as she loved saying. At least Robert was next to her, playing with her hair, to calm her down.

"Babygirl," he cooed. "It will be alright."

She felt as if her heart was faster than a racing car. What if it was the opposite - her biological family could have forgotten about her. And what about the family that had brought her up? Did they know they had been raising a missing child? What if they didn't?

Too many questions.

Our heroes were again in the police station, on the next day, waiting for the Stewart family to come. They had dressed themselves up for the special occasion, Karen even wearing a trench coat and a dress, underlining her green eyes, despite the warm weather.

 They had dressed themselves up for the special occasion, Karen even wearing a trench coat and a dress, underlining her green eyes, despite the warm weather

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Robert, not to stay behind, had put on more formal attire, as well, with a jacket and pants.

Karen could not stop tapping her foot impatiently, attempting to calm her nerves. They would be there any minute. Was she ready to meet them? What if they didn't like each other? Nonsense. Complete nonsense.

She felt like she was starting to sweat and she took off her trench coat. The last thing she wanted was to make a fool of herself.

The police officer, who was waiting with them in the room, suddenly stood up.

"Ah, they must be here!" , he sounded rather happy, for Karen's surprise.

Our heroes stood up from the chairs, just when the Stewart family entered the room.

"Ah, John, Jules!" , the police officer greeted them and pointed at our heroine. "This is your daughter."

Karen stared at the two middle aged adults in front of her. The black haired woman looked as if she was about to cry. There was something which could not stay unnoticed - the resemblance in face and especially the eye color. That was from where she had gotten them. They had to be older than 50, judging how age and countless of sleepless nights had made the adults' face wrinkled. She felt guilty for being so stupid and for not remembering being kidnapped at young age. Maybe things would have been so much different.

"Kristen?" Jules, gasped, not believing that the beautiful young woman in front of her was her long lost daughter. She still expected to see her six-year-old little girl, reaching for her happily, at the same time scared from her abductors.

Instead, in front of her, was a slim 5'5" tall young woman with chocolate brown beach waves and defined facial features. No trace of the fair-haired tomboyish child.

"Ehh, my name is Karen, Ma'am," blurted our heroine, her alto voice ringing like bells in Jules's head

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"Ehh, my name is Karen, Ma'am," blurted our heroine, her alto voice ringing like bells in Jules's head.

The Stewart's gasped in shock. She did not remember them. At all.

Amber Alert [KRISTEN STEWART]Where stories live. Discover now